Again she blushes and looks away, grabbing the little dress that all our cocktail waitresses wear. As she jerks it back on, I reach down and pick up the sexy lace panties that are still lying on my floor.
“Oh, I … thank you,” she mumbles, snatching them away and putting them on under her skirt. Quickly she brushes her hands over her hair, no doubt trying to make it look at least a little more presentable. Though it’s still going to be obvious that something happened up here. Especially if she can’t get that red off her face.
“Ah, sweetheart, there’s no need to be embarrassed. We’re all adults here.”
“Thanks,” she winks as she strides toward the door, and I shake my head, pulling my shirt back on.
“Don’t worry about it, sweetheart.” I want to say ‘it’s happened before,’ but I know that will come across as crass, and I’m sure it’s not going to make her feel any better to know that she’s definitely not the first girl I’ve brought up here. But she’s certainly one of the best.
“So, was that a productive meeting?” Ethan asks, wandering into my office a few minutes later.
I grin. “You have no idea.”
He watches through the glass as she returns to the floor, self-consciously brushing her hair down several times before she grabs her tray and starts passing out drinks.
There are a few sidelong looks in her direction, and I know that at least some of our regulars are wondering what might have happened. But no one says anything to her, even the other cocktail waitresses who certainly know what happened.
I have a bit of a reputation among them, but it’s not something I’m ashamed of. At least now I’ve had her, and it’s done. Though something about her … I wonder if there might be more that this stunning creature has to offer. Because I certainly know that my body is interested in finding out.
“Well, if you’re done with your dalliance, we have some other things to discuss.”
“Like what?” I ask, sinking back into my chair and straightening the papers that we scattered across the desk.
“The party, for one thing.”
“Ah, yes.” We always throw a big party for Mardi Gras, even though we’re not located anywhere near New Orleans. The locals all seem to love it because they get to pull out all the stops with fancy clothes, masks, and plenty of alcohol.
“We’ve got everything settled, haven’t we?”
“For the most part. I wanted to make sure that you got the alcohol order in.”
“Oh, I definitely put in a large order. And a few specialty items for the evening. Some liqueurs that I think our people are going to enjoy.”
“Good. And the décor?”
“We’ve got a team coming in to deck out the place like a traditional Mardi Gras party. It’ll be a hot event.”
“Good. We’ve already had some people asking about it, and I wanted to be able to start getting the word out. Last year we had a line down the block.”
“And we’re going to have that again this year,” I promise.
It’s not an empty boast. I know we have the best party of the season during Mardi Gras, and everyone wants to be here for it. With the drinks flowing and the music pouring out of the building until after 2:00 a.m., everyone is going to want to be here. And we’re going to have all hands on deck.
My eyes dart back toward the glass, and Emma is making her way around the room, looking more confident and comfortable now. She’ll be at the party. And I can’t wait to see what she’s going to look like in the specialty costume we’ve selected.
She’s gorgeous enough in her tight, little uniform. But the Mardi Gras costumes …
This year’s costumes are miniskirts in the traditional colors of purple, yellow, and green, and full of sequins. They’ll show off her legs perfectly. And the skimpy tops cut down low in all the right places. It’s going to show off almost everything. Yes, this is going to be one excellent party.
Chapter Two ~ Emma
When Ethan came out and told me the boss wanted to see me, I certainly didn’t expect that. I thought maybe he’d seen something he didn’t like while I was out here. Or maybe he wanted to welcome me or … something.
I definitely didn’t expect to wind up bent over his desk while he drove me absolutely wild.
I shake my head abruptly and try to focus on what I’m supposed to be doing. Serving the drinks. Serving the snacks. Talking to the customers. Making sure everyone has everything they need. Not thinking about him.
It’s a one-night-stand, Emma. Get a grip. It’s over. So what if it was an amazing experience? It’s done now. Not going to happen again. And that’s a good thing.