I can’t speak for Jeppe on this, but I've had my fair share of women and none of these women are exciting enough. I’d love to settle down someday; try marriage again with a more mature state of mind and with someone who’s trustworthy. My ex-wife was a nightmare who kept her hand in my pocket the entire time.

“Is Felicia planning on staying in New York for a while? Or is she coming just for a break? I know how relationships are. One minute you’ll say you’re done with someone and the next minute you’re back with them.”

“Hopefully it’s for good,” Jeppe says. “If she takes this asshole back again, I'll probably distance myself from her. I hate to say it because she’s my daughter, but I can’t sit back and watch her go through that anymore. It’s bullshit.”

Stories like these make me grateful that I have a son. I don’t know what I would do if my daughter told me all the terrible things Felicia has told Jep about her relationship. I would probably end up hurting the guy just as badly as he hurt her.

“You’re stronger than I am, Jep. That's for sure,” I chuckle. “I’d probably be in prison by now if that were my daughter. Some guys are just worthless, you know? It's like, they have the perfect girl right in front of their eyes and they mess up by not being able to see past their own nonsense. Then again, we were like that in our younger days.”

“Don't remind me,” Jeppe laughs. “Maybe this is my karma. I read somewhere that karma doesn't always come back to you personally, sometimes it comes back to the people you love instead.”

“Well, that certainly gives me something to think about. Maybe my karma is Kyle not being able to keep the company afloat if anything happens to me.”

I sigh thinking about my son. I don’t want to get too wrapped up in my thoughts of him because it’ll ruin my focus on the game. Pretty soon though, Kyle and I will have to have a sit down about his role at the company. I can’t take any more of his unruly behavior.

“Is he really that bad? I thought Kyle really loved the business and was on his way to the top.”

“I thought so too.” I sigh and throw down my best card, wishing it was some sort of connection to Kyle’s brain. “I’d love for him to pull it together. Ever since his girlfriend broke things off with him, it seems like he has no drive anymore. All he does now is show up for a paycheck.”

I'm losing this round. I feel like it’s because we keep talking about Kyle. What is it with my son? Have we lost touch with each other? Does he hate me for some reason? I know how it is to lose someone you care about, but letting that loss affect your livelihood is something he and I have discussed.

When I started my company, I said no one would get in the way of my success. I gave it my all; everything I had in the tank. To this day, I get up for work every morning and put my all into this company. Not only for myself, but for Kyle as well.

Jep and I play another round before we call it quits for the night. He’s got some business to take care of in the morning for Felicia, so he can’t stay out all night like we normally do. I'm a bit tired anyway, so I want to get home at a decent time and rest up this weekend.

“Good game tonight, bud,” Jeppe says. “Let me know what’s what with the interview for Felicia. I'm sure she’ll be excited to have something lined up. Even if you decide to give the job to Kyle, she might still be able to help you out somewhere.”

“I will,” I say. “I doubt I'll go with Kyle, but I'll for sure hold off until I speak with Felicia. If she comes to the table with ideas already in mind, I'll hire her on the spot.”

“I’ll be sure to let her know,” he says. “Thanks for hearing me out tonight. It's good to have a friend I can vent to without judgment.”

Jeppe knows I'll always have his back and will never judge him. He never judges me or looks down at the decisions I make in life. That's what real friends are for, and he’s always been someone I consider near and dear.

I texted Kyle on my way home and let him know I'd like to have a talk with him before Monday rolls around. I'm in no real rush to hire someone new, but I want to at least have a sign as to which direction I'll go.

If he’s not up for the job and can’t get his act together, then I'll more than likely give Felicia a shot. She's got a great resume and strong backing from people I've done business with in the past, so it looks like she’s at the top of my list.

Chapter Three - Felicia

“I hope your flight wasn’t too bad. This is a new pilot this time around. Jerry was busy today.”

“The flight was perfect.” I smile and leap into my father’s arms. “How are you, Dad?”

“Better, now that you're home again.”

It's great to see my father again after so long. I haven’t been back to New York for a while now and although we talked over the phone a lot while I was in So Cal, nothing compares to seeing him live and in the flesh.

“We have a lot of catching up to do,” he says. “It's been a year since I last saw you, right?”

“I believe so. I haven’t been back to the city for a long time.”

“Yep. You should probably visit your mother while you’re here too. I'm sure she’ll be happy to see you.”

I haven’t spoken to my mom in a very long time. Ever since she ran off with her boy toy to create a new life, our relationship has been at the bottom of the hill. She left me with my dad because she said I'd only get in her way. Well, those weren't her exact words, but close enough.

“So, what’s going on with Sean? Are you two done for good this time?”

My dad dived right into the conversation. I knew he wouldn’t let it go unmentioned for too long. I know he’s worried that I'll go back to Sean and start all over again, but this time is different. I have no desire to repeat the same nonsense.