Page 63 of The Friend Zone

We had phone sex. I’m almost positive of it. And how messed up is it that I’m not sure? Had she realized I’d jacked off to her breathless voice? Had she hung up before or after I came? I’m not certain. And it’s doing a number on me.

I’m all twitchy and tense. It’s like a false start. Am I going to get called for stepping over the line before the snap? Or is the fact that she enjoyed it permission enough to let this transgression slide?

Because there is one thing I do know: she got off on our conversation too. I heard those little strangled whimpers she’d made. As if she’d tried so hard not to be heard but the orgasm was too strong to fully contain. Oh, sweet hell, just thinking about it has my cold dick heating up.

I know when she opens the door and I see her face, I won’t be able to stop myself from touching her. I don’t want to resist anymore. I want to sink myself into Ivy, surround myself in her warmth and breathe in her freshness. I want to hear her sounds again and discover new ones, make her lose control, shout my name.

My hand shakes as I lift it to knock. Knuckles rapping against the door, my heart pounds out a rhythm that sounds like Ivy, Ivy, Ivy in my head.

I hear her approaching. Mouth dry, I wait. My dick is so hard now, it’s pushing against my jeans with an eagerness that’s staggering. I have never wanted this badly. Never waited this long.

I almost whimper when the door swings open. But then I see her and promptly wilt.

“Mac,” I get out. “Honey, you look...”

“Awful,” she finishes for me with a voice that sounds like a dying frog’s. Pale and pasty, her eyes are swollen and red, her nose running. She makes a pitiful face and then sobs. “I feel like ass.”

I hate sickness. Being around ill people freaks me out now. I don’t hesitate. I step into the house and pull her close.


My face hurts, literally hurts, like someone has used it as a punching bag and stomped on it for good measure. Add the fact that my head feels like a bowling ball teetering on the top of my neck, and I’d wanted to weep when I’d trudged toward my door. I’d known who was banging on it, and I hadn’t felt like facing him while I looked like the walking dead. To be honest, I hadn’t felt like facing him at all. Not after the things we’d last said to each other.

Gray’s affable expression had faded the moment he’d seen me. But he hadn’t turned and run off to get an axe, so there was that to be thankful for.

Now that he is here, his big, strong body offering me support—literally, because I can only lean against him and pray that the pounding in my head will soon end—I sigh with relief. He is here. I don’t care about the phone sex. Or anything other than his presence making me feel better.

His chest rumbles when he speaks. “You really do look awful.”

“Thanks,” I mutter, too achy to put any emphasis behind it. “I feel bad.” Now, that came out like a pitiful pout.

“Yeah, I’d say that you do.” Looking fresh and way too healthy for my taste, he rests his cool hand on my forehead. “Jesus, baby, you’re burning up.”

“That’s because I have a fever. And I’ll try to ignore that you called me baby. Do I look like I need diapers?”

“I see we’re a grumpy patient as well.”

At the very least, sickness is an excellent defense against any post-phone-sex awkwardness.

Gray tries to take my hand and lead me toward my room, when the haze fully lifts from my brain. Instantly, I lurch back so he can’t touch me.

“What the hell are you doing?” I shout, and wince at my aching head.

“What the hell does it look like I’m doing? I’m getting you into bed.”

“Oh no, you aren’t.” My hands cover my mouth, which is probably ineffectual, but I don’t know what else to do. This also muffles my words when I continue to yell at him. “Get out, Gray. You cannot be here.”

He actually looks hurt, his open expression twisting into a wince, and I solider on, because he’s obviously being thick.

“Gray, you cannot get sick! You need to stay healthy to play, you big oaf. Now, go!” I wave one hand in the direction of the door, while still covering my mouth. “Out with you.”

Does he listen? No. He laughs as though I’m the oaf. “Oh, please, I never get sick. I’ve had my flu shot.”

I roll my eyes and snort, which really isn’t advisable with a stuffed nose.

“And have the immune system of a god,” he adds.

“Fuck! Don’t say that! Quick, knock on wood.” I flail my arms. “Knock on your big, block head.”