Page 93 of Judge's Mercy

“Oh good. I’m going to need your help.”

“Are you gonna get me in trouble?” He notices what’s in my hand. “Is that a cut?”

I beam at him, putting the leather vest on and raising my hands into the air while holding my patches. “I’m your new sister!”



The woods wake up as I sip coffee on my porch for the last time for who knows how long. It’s still dark, but the birds are chirping up a storm, and I hear little critters scuttling around behind my cabin. After finally coming to peace with my decision, I slept the best I had since Myla left. Or maybe I left her first, I don’t fucking know.

The sleep was needed so I can make it to the other side of the state today. Our chapter in Vegas is expecting me. Raunchy, their club president, offered me a room for however long I wanted to stay. Pretty sure that’ll only be a night, since they’re not known for having a tranquil clubhouse. It’ll be good for a night, though. After that, I think I’ll hit up the Phoenix chapter, then maybe New Mexico, where I’ll probably stay through winter. Fall is coming faster than I’d be able to travel east and back again, so I’ll wait until spring for that. I could go to Mexico for the winter. That’d be nice.

I hear a door open to my left and see Riot step out to have a smoke with his own cup of coffee in hand. Raising my cup to him, I salute before going back to enjoying this moment. I’ve taken trips before, some that lasted a month or more, so I don’t know why this feels so different. It’s not like I won’t be back at some point, my cabin and all my furniture that was once loved still waiting for me.

Yet, it does feel different. I’m leaving behind half my heart. Myla doesn’t even know she owns it, but I hope whenever she’s scared or lonely or just missing me, it’ll help get her through. I went by her place yesterday, just to say goodbye, but she either wasn’t there or didn’t want to see me. I guess she could’ve been out with someone. I guess that’s none of my business anymore, no matter how much I want it to be.

“You leavin’ today?” Riot asks, walking over to join me.


“Well, shit. I’m gonna miss having a neighbor.”

“No, you won’t.”

He chuckles, all raspy from too many cigarettes and too much booze. “Yeah, you’re right. I won’t.”

“Asshole,” I say in jest.

“Heard your girl is gonna be our new prospect. That true?”

He sounds way too thrilled about that, which sets me on edge. “Leave her the fuck alone.”

“Hey, hey. I was just askin’.”

“I do need you to help her with something, though.”

One brow quirks. “What’s that?”

“She’s got a list of assholes she wants to kill, pedophiles and abusers, assholes like that.”


“I need you to back her up, make sure she doesn’t get herself in trouble. Can you do that?” I peer over at him as I take a sip of coffee.

“Yeah, I can do that.”


“All right, well. Be safe.” He opens one arm wide, and I stand, giving him the customary man hug. He’s not one to like being touched, so this is a big deal.

“Thanks, bro. See ya later.”

“Yeah, later.” He waves as he makes his way back to his cabin, going back inside.

See? I can do this. I can say goodbye to everything and everyone I love. It’s temporary.

Maybe if I say it enough, it’ll be true. With the sun now starting to crest, it’s time for me to get on the road. I wash my mug and set it on the drying rack, then I’m out the door with two bags of my essentials that I’ll stuff in the new saddlebags I picked up.