“Sugar made us a whole spread, and I told the guys they couldn’t eat until you got here,” Tinleigh says, and sure as shit, there are platters of eggs, bacon, potatoes, and sausage, but also lunch-type foods like sandwiches and pasta salad.
I finally notice the antsy bikers watching and waiting. I see Mustang and his boyfriend, Jenson, first, Mustang with a cup of coffee and Jenson with what looks like a mimosa. Lucky and Dutch are playing pool, but I use that term lightly because they both look ready to jump at the food once Tinleigh says the word. Tigger, the ginger prospect, is behind the bar, while Bones, who Tinleigh has coined Biker Jesus, is on the opposite side, rolling a fat joint. Then there’s Golden and his adorable little boy, Tyson, who are at a table next to Mustang and Jenson playing a board game.
“I’ll be sure to thank her,” I say, accepting a plate. I’m not hungry, but if I don’t eat, Tinleigh will worry, and if she’s worried, she’ll hover.
It’s funny. I never knew how much she mothered me until recently. I always thought that being twins and all, we were in this life together. I found out after we ran away from home and came to Reno that she was trading my safety for constant abuse from our boss at the strip club. That eventually led to her making commitments to him in order to get me away from the Thirst Trap and, more importantly, him.
That knowledge left me feeling stupid and naive. I shouldn’t have been surprised, though. Our parents always blamed Tinleigh for any trouble we got into. Even after she’d been abused by a church leader, they didn’t do anything about it until he got to me. I’m sure those experiences ingrained in her a sense of responsibility for me.
“I’ve nearly completed my program,” Tinleigh says, placing some bacon on her plate.
“That’s amazing. Do you like it?”
“I love it. I wasn’t sure what I’d do once I graduated, but I think I want to start my own business doing hair and makeup for special events and weddings. Lucky said he’d help me get started.”
I scoop up some eggs, purposely choosing items I can push around my plate so it looks like I’m eating. “Of course he will. That man would do anything for you.”
Tinleigh’s eyes soften as she smiles. “He really will.”
Tigger places two flutes of mimosas on the bar, and we snag them before taking a seat at the table with Jenson and Mustang.
“Hey, guys.” I smile at the couple, and it’s a real one. There are certain things I can rely on each of the Sons for, and I can count on Jenson and Mustang to make me laugh.
Jenson appraises me. “Look who’s gone emo.”
“You know I like to bring the drama.” I shoot him a smoldering look.
“At least now I can tell you two apart.” Mustang stands and, with a knuckle under his chin, tips Jenson’s head up to look at him. “Want some food, baby?”
“I’ll just eat off your plate.” He places his hands on Mustang’s thighs.
“I fuckin’ hate it when you do that.”
“Do what?” Jenson’s teasing tone and sly grin say he knows exactly what.
“You say you’re not hungry, so I don’t get you shit, then you eat at least half my food.” His hand slides around to cradle the back of Jenson’s head.
“If I eat off your plate, the calories don’t count.”
Tinleigh points her fork at Mustang. “That’s true. It’s girl math.”
“I’ll just put double what I want on my plate,” Mustang grumbles as he walks away.
“You two make me sick,” I say, moving food around my plate.
“Because we’re happy and in love?” Jenson singsongs.
“It’s a virus that’s spreading like wildfire around here.” I eye my sister.
“Hey,” someone says from behind me. I know that voice well, and the sound of it alone has goosebumps popping up on my arms. Judge spins the seat next to me around and straddles it, but I don’t look at him, too worried someone might catch on to how familiar we’ve become with each other. “What are we talking about?”
“The disease called love,” I mutter around the flute of cheap champagne and orange juice.
Tinleigh waves me off. “What about you, Judge? Anyone special in your life?”
“Actually, there is.”
My stomach sinks, and I hope like hell he’s not thinking about making some declaration. Tinleigh and Judge are close, so I know it would please her to no end if Judge and I got together, but we aren’t. We’re fucking, and something tells me Tinleigh wouldn’t be happy about that. Though I’m not sure if she’d be more concerned about Judge or me.