Mary used that talent, and whenever a powerful man came in, like the one lounging in the parlor now without a care in the world, she would steer them my way. I didn’t mind because they usually had the most money, and they didn’t mind because my small stature and innocent appearance fed into their sick and twisted desires. Plus, I really was good at what I did.
I click the volume icon on the screen showing Golden and Mary so I can hear what’s going on. Already, I know what I’m going to do, but I have to make sure there are no other options before I do it.
“We’re fucked,” Mary says.
“I’ll tell him we don’t have any women free,” Golden offers.
“Clearly, you’ve never met a man who has never been told ‘no’ a day in his life.”
“I could take him out. I’m sure he didn’t tell anyone he was going to a brothel.”
“You’re not really suggesting killing a man in front of me, right?” Mary pins him with a look. Her only stipulation for agreeing to be the madam of the Honey Pot was that the Sons kept all their illegal activities away from her, minus the background checks, because her girls’ safety was priority number one. She’s been in this business since she was a teenager, forced to sell herself on the street. Somehow, she avoided being arrested all these years and doesn’t want her first time to be when she’s so close to retiring.
“We can’t kick him out”—Golden holds up a finger, ticking off a list—“we can’t send him in with any of the girls, and we can’t kill him, so I don’t know what you want me to do here.”
I’m on my feet before I lose my nerve. I owe Mary and the ranch my life. Had she not hired me, I might have been forced to stay at the Thirst Trap with Tinleigh, and we all saw how well that ended for her. What they did to me is nothing compared to what she endured. Had the roles been reversed, I don’t think I’d be alive today. If I can do this one thing for her, I should.
“Let me do it.” The words are out before I can swallow them down and before Golden and Mary realize I’m in the room with them. They both gawk at me as though I grew three heads.
There’s no way they can turn this guy away. He’ll have federal eyes on the club and the ranch before the night is up. Even if everything is on the up and up around here, they could be shut down for weeks or even months for an investigation, and then what? The girls depend on this job for so much more than rent and food; some of them are mothers, some have sick family members who need expensive treatments, and some are in school, bettering their lives.
“Myla, no. No way. Not a chance.” Golden waves his arms. “Not just because it’s wrong, but because Lucky and Tinleigh would kick my ass.”
“You don’t have to tell them. The only person who needs to know is Mary.” I meet her hard gaze and swallow, hoping she can’t see my unease. “I was known for handling men like him.”
“Men like him?” He places his hands on his hips. “I won’t pretend to know what all has happened to you, but I saw you after you were dropped off at the club, and that’s enough to know you can’t do this.”
“Yeah, I can. Plus, you said it yourself, you’re out of options.”
“I don’t want anything to do with this, and I’m going on record as saying this is a bad fuckin’ idea.” He runs a hand through his hair, which falls perfectly back into place.
Mustering every ounce of confidence I have left in me, I stand and turn on my charm. I place my hands on Golden’s chest, pressing my body against his as I gaze up at him. “Oh, come on. It’s just a little sex. There’s nothing to worry about.”
He shakes his head and takes my hands in his, pushing me away. “Don’t do that. Not with me.”
Shame heats my cheeks as he storms out of yet another room. I don’t know why I did that. Golden has been a friend to me. All of the Sons have treated me with nothing but respect. Actually, they’re the first men I’ve ever considered to be my friends, and I went and ruined it. I’m blowing up my life for no reason at all. This wasn’t my problem—not anymore—so why did I decide to place myself in the middle?
I can’t worry about that right now, though, because I can feel Mary’s scrutiny without even looking at her.
“Fiona,” she scolds, and I wince at the name I gave myself to keep a level of privacy while working at the ranch. Seeing my reaction, she corrects herself. “Myla. I’m sorry about that. My mind isn’t what it used to be.”
“I don’t think it’s smart to turn that guy away?—”
“I agree.”
“And I know I was the one who usually took one for the team,” I say, forcing a smile. “So unless you have a better idea, I volunteer as tribute.”
Her lips purse, not buying my dismissal of the seriousness of the issue. “I haven’t found anyone else who’s able to get through a session with those assholes as well as you do. The other girls, they show their fear, and it only feeds the fire, escalating things. But I can’t ask you to do it. Not after everything.”
“You didn’t ask.”
“Rigger would be pissed.”
“Don’t tell him. I know I won’t.” I fidget while she paces with a hand covering her forehead as she considers what to do. We both know this is a volatile plan that’s more likely to backfire than go well, yet neither of us is quick to dismiss it. I only hope she thinks fast because my confidence is waning with each passing second.
“Are you sure you can handle it?” she asks.
“Yes.” No.