Page 12 of Judge's Mercy

He takes a sip of his water. “I didn’t know what the protocol was.”

“Protocol?” I huff.

“I didn’t want to be disrespectful.”

“You think it’s disrespectful to look someone in the eye and say ‘hi’?”

“They could’ve taken it wrong, like I was checking them out or something. They have to deal with people leering at them all day, every day, so I just thought I’d give them a break.”

“Leering and acknowledging that someone exists are two different things.”

“Give me a break, all right? I’ve never been in a brothel before.” He shifts in his seat, looking everywhere but at me, and I know I’ve pushed him too far. I just wish I cared.

We’re interrupted by the waitress, who takes our orders. A burger and fries for me, a grilled chicken with steamed vegetables and rice for him, which doesn’t surprise me. I’d put him somewhere in his early forties, but he’s as sensible as a grandpa.

“Why did you come here today?” I ask pointedly.

“I told you, it was time for me to come see what the club has built.”

“But why today of all days?”

“I didn’t have anything else to do.”

“I don’t believe you.” I lean over the table. “Did my sister put you up to this? Are you spying on me?”

“Shit, Myla,” he barks out a little too loudly, gaining the attention of the other diners. He sighs and leans in, lowering his tone. “Your sister has nothing to do with me being here. I just like being around you, okay?”

My brows bunch. “What? Why?”

“Your sunshiney personality,” he quips.

“I’m not going to fuck you, Judge.”

His nostrils flare, and his hands tense around his water glass. “Believe it or not, that’s not why I’m here.”

“Then why?”

“I don’t even fuckin’ know anymore.” He runs a hand through his hair and lets out a humorless laugh. “One of these days, you’re going to need me. All of this pent-up anger and hostility will reach a breaking point, and you’ll need a friend. Your sister’s busy with her own shit, and from what I can tell, you don’t have anyone else.”

“So you’re taking it upon yourself to be there when I inevitably fall apart?”

“Kinda, yeah.”

“Well, you can stop waiting because I’m not going to blow. What you see is who I am now, and that won’t change. There’ll never be that moment when I burst into tears, talk through all my trauma, and then return to the girl I used to be.”

“Okay,” he says, but the look on his face tells me he doesn’t believe me.

“I mean it. Stop following me around.”

“Whatever you say.”

There’s not a chance in hell he’ll stop.



“You ready for your first solo shift?” Dutch squeezes my shoulders playfully as he stands behind me.