Page 74 of Judge's Mercy

“Okay then.” He points at Lucky. “We got guns ready?”

“Yeah. I got everything cleaned and checked before I had Tobi load them all into the van.” Lucky’s brows furrow. “It’s not a good time to mention this, but we were short a couple handguns and knives.”

“What the fuck?” Cy curses. “You’re just bringing this shit up now?”

“Didn’t realize it until now. When all this is over, I’ll look into it more.” Lucky looks like a kicked puppy, and I decide to have mercy on him.

“Myla paid attention to the code when you were teaching her to shoot. She stole the guns and knives.” I pat his chest.

“Fuckin’ A, man. I’ve been stressing over that all day.”

“She’ll have to answer for that after we bring her home,” Cy says.

I’d feel bad for ratting her out, but I’m confident that she can take whatever verbal lashing either of them dole out to her. Plus, maybe it’ll be another reason for her to put this shit behind her and not continue her asinine plan. I can’t worry about that now, though. She needs to come home first.

Walking outside, my brothers all mount their bikes, and a cacophony of rumbling engines shakes the ground with their intensity. It’s a symphony of power, a declaration of brotherhood and unwavering loyalty. It’s an MC going to war.

“You coming?” Rigger shouts, noticing I’m not joining them on their bikes.

“I’ll go in the van with Tobi,” I return. “Not sure what shape Myla will be in, and I’ll want to be with her after.”

“Good call.” Rigger accelerates, following Cy out of the lot.

Walking over to the van, I knock on the window, and Tobi promptly rolls it down. “You comin’ with me?”

“I was going to, but I changed my mind. If Myla’s not in any shape to ride when we find her, I’ll just have you ride my bike back, and I’ll drive the van.”

The kid lights up at that. “Okay.”

“Go ahead and take off. I’ll catch up.”

Tobi’s expression and tone turn serious, which is almost comical, considering the kid can’t grow facial hair yet. “We’ll find her, Judge. I know it.”

I nod, trying not to crack a smile. “Thanks, brother. See you over there.”

Except I won’t see him over there because I’m not going where they are.



Ipace the length of this fictitious girl’s room, waiting to see what my fate will be so I can figure out how to escape. I’d climb out the window right now if David hadn’t told me the house alarm was on. Because I’m me, I didn’t believe him and tried the second he left the room. He wasn’t lying. An ear-piercing alarm sounded, and before I could swing a leg out the window, a bulky man was stopping me. Apparently, they have guards I failed to notice during my surveillance.

Still naked and unable to think straight from the pain, I lie down on the bed. Closing my eyes, I think about what David meant by him counting on me to fight back. Is that so killing me will be more fun? Or because he knows assholes who like to take what they want from unwilling women? Probably the latter.

Well, I hope they’re ready for the fight of their lives because I’ll bite, claw, kick, and do anything else necessary to protect myself. Hopefully, that won’t be until after this concussion passes and my arm heals a little. The door opens, and David walks in with the same guard who caught me climbing out of the window, and judging by the looks on their faces, I won’t get my wish.

“Get up. We need pictures,” David says.


“None of your concern. Get your ass up.”

“You’re literally going to be taking pictures of me. I think that makes it my business.”

He rolls his eyes and grabs my bad arm, making me cry out. “Okay, okay. I’ll get up.”

Gingerly prying myself from the mattress, I feel a little vulnerability peek out as he poses me and snaps pictures with a digital camera. Not knowing where these pictures might pop up or why they need them has my bravado slipping.