Page 100 of Lucky's Trouble

“You’re welcome. Please, don’t let us interrupt you.”

She returns to pruning, and Sir motions for me to continue. Following the path, we stop in front of a pool that looks as though it’s part of the landscaping. Large red rocks line the far side, the perfect drop for the waterfall that spills over the edge and creates a grotto underneath. My eyes catch on another woman swimming laps. She’s also naked, minus the green swim cap on her head.

When she notices us, she swims to the ladder and climbs out. Once on solid land, she sinks to her knees. Just like the last woman, Sir approaches her, helps her stand, and kisses her sweetly. She’s a Black woman with medium-sized breasts and more curves than the last, but not quite as much of an ass as me.

“Thank you, Sir,” she says with a soft smile.

“You’re welcome. Please, don’t let us stop you from enjoying your day.” He watches as she dives off the edge, barely making a splash, before turning back to me. “As you can see, no one is in distress here. My pets are well taken care of and happy. You could be, too.”

“Did they come here the same way I did?”

“They did.”

“And what do you do when you’re done with them?”

He boops my nose like I’m a child. “That’s none of your concern.”

“It is if you expect me to stay here.”

“I don’t expect anything of you. You will stay here because you belong to me. I’m only trying to make you see that it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. My pets are spoiled and allowed to pursue their talents and interests without the pesky worry of bills or careers. You’re free to do and be whatever and whoever you want.”

This fool genuinely believes he’s doing a good thing. He should be locked up in an institution and never allowed to see the light of day again. Glancing down at the silhouette of the woman swimming underwater, I can’t deny that they seem happy and more relaxed than I’ve ever been, but this isn’t real life. This is a fantasy created by a sick, spoiled man.

“There were four last night. Where are the other two?” I ask.

“I believe one of my pets is sleeping in.” He leans in as though he’s sharing a secret. “You might’ve seen I was rather hard on her last night. She’s only been here three weeks and is still adjusting.”

I think back to the one he paid extra attention to. He’d taken a thin, hard stick that made a thwack as it struck her breasts, stomach, buttocks, back, and legs. It left her with thin red marks that looked especially painful. Then he fitted her asshole with a contraption to stretch her wide before bending her over a bench and paddling her.

She was the finale of the night as Sir pounded into her ass until he erupted in an orgasm worthy of his over-the-top personality and came inside her. He then held a cup under her to capture his seed as she pushed it from her body before holding it to each woman’s lips for a sip.

I wanted to barf.

“And the other?”

His expression falters, and he chooses his words carefully. “She wasn’t as special as you, so I sent her to pursue other ventures.”

“Is that code for you killed her the way you killed that man?”

“I told you. It’s none of your business.” He nods to a guard who’s standing off to the side. “Take my pet back to her room. I’ve given her a lot to think about.”

“Just tell me,” I say. “Is she dead? Did you sell her off to someone else?”

“Go to your room.”

“Not until you tell me.” I need to know what’ll happen to me if I survive this funhouse. Assuming there is no escape and I’m forced to play with flowers during the day and suffer his abuse at night, I have to know what’ll happen next.

“You want me to say that she’s rotting in the middle of the desert being picked over by wild animals? Fine. She is, but it doesn’t matter because she was nothing before me, and now she’s nothing after me. I was the only happiness she’ll ever have. Just like I’ll be the only happiness you’ll ever have. If you let me be.” He waves a hand through the air. “Or not. Then you can go back to being nothing.”

“You’re wrong,” I say in a low voice. “I was happy. Lucky made me happy.”

I glance up at the guard who leads me back to my shitty room with my shitty bed. Curling up in the blanket, I feel hopeless and sad.

I wish I had known that the last day I was with Lucky would be my last. I wouldn’t have corrected myself when I almost told him I loved him.

Now, he’ll never know.