Page 47 of Lucky's Trouble

Rigger lifts a finger. “I’m in.”

“Me too,” Golden says.

“Jenson is in the middle of a cleanse, so if this is the only way for me to get some action this week, I’m in,” Mustang chimes in.

“A cleanse?” Satyr asks.

“Yeah. He’s drinking some nasty-smelling juice instead of eating food. It makes him shit his brains out, and he won’t let me near him.”

My lips pull back. “What the fuck? Why?”

“It’s some rich dude shit. I don’t fuckin’ know.”

“Jesus Christ.” Cy tugs on his long beard and turns to me. “Looks like you’ll have enough men. Let me know how it goes.”

His final bang signals the end of the meeting. Riot’s the first one out, storming off to his hobble. The property came with the cabins we all call home, and while the rest of us put some money into ours, making them livable, Riot left his as is. I’m shocked it’s still standing.

“Ready to head over to the Honey Pot?” Rigger asks as we walk out.

“Yeah. Just let me say goodbye.”

“You claimin’ her or something?”

“Nah. Not yet, anyway.”

“Does Myla know?”

“What do you think?”

“Maybe you should trade your shift with someone else because if she finds out you’re making moves on her sister, shit will hit the fan,” he says.

“You think?”

“Bro, not even you are that stupid. It’s her sister—her twin.” He gestures in my direction. “And you’re you.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Last week, Amelia was running around here, tellin’ everyone how you sucked her toes.”

Amelia is one of the girls who hangs around on the weekend. During the week, she’s a preschool teacher at a local Christian church, but come Friday night, that woman is wild. We’ve hooked up more than once, and yes, I did suck her toes last week.

“I’m a different man now,” I say, making a mental note to tell her to zip her trap about the shit we’ve done and make sure she knows it won’t happen again.

“All I’m sayin’ is, if this blows back on the ranch in any way, I’ll kick your ass.”

“Like to see you try.” I walk away from my oldest friend in the world and head straight for my newest one. Tinleigh is still at the bar, drinking coffee and staring at her cell phone. “I’m heading out. You good?”

“Yeah.” She sighs. “Just thinking of what to say to Myla.”

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure.” She sets the phone down.

“How did Myla get out? Because from everything I’ve learned about Neal, he doesn’t just let his girls go.”

Her gaze shifts to the bar top. “I made a trade.”

“What kind?”