“I might start believing it.”
He chuckles. “I don’t say shit I don’t mean. You’ll learn that lesson real soon.”
With those words, the bonds of trust grow. I feel it deep inside. Maybe it’s my vulnerable state, maybe it’s my desperation, but I hope it’s because he’s telling the truth. I might wake up tomorrow and realize that, once again, I was naive and hate myself for it. But worrying about giving my faith to the wrong person is tomorrow’s problem. Tonight, I need something to believe in, and Lucky feels like a safe bet.
“We’ll see.” I yawn and fist the blanket, bringing it tighter around me.
“Come on, let’s get you to bed.” He stands, me still in his arms.
“You have to climb to find that out.” He sets me on my feet, making sure the blanket keeps me covered.
Suddenly, I feel like an idiot.
I stripped down like that in a moment of insanity. I didn’t really want to explain what I dealt with, what I’ve been dealing with, but he was being such a prick and wasn’t going to back down until I broke. And break, I fucking did.
He lifts his chin to the corner of the room. “Up that ladder over there. Now I wish I would’ve sprung for an elevator because it might hurt you gettin’ up there.”
“There’s just one bed?”
“Technically, no. This sofa pulls out, which is where I’ll be sleeping.”
“I can’t take your bed. I don’t mind the pull-out.”
He shakes his head. “You’re taking my bed. I didn’t change my sheets for nothing.”
“Is that something you don’t do often?”
“Me? No. Never.”
“Lucky, that’s disgusting.” My nose curls, making my cracked lip ache.
He chuckles. “Sugar comes through once a week and switches out the towels and changes my sheets.”
“Yeah, she’s our club secretary’s mom. His name is Mustang. You’ll meet him at some point. I think you’ll like him.”
“Why do you say that?”
“You’re both tough as shit, and you both like dick.” He’s been waiting to use that line on someone, I just know it.
“How do you know I like dick?”
“Yesterday, you were grinding yourself all over mine like a hellcat in heat in my parents’ bathroom.” He smirks.
I roll my eyes and grip the steel frame of the ladder. “So, your room is up here?”
“Yup. I’ll be up there with your bag in just a second. Gotta wipe all this damn snot off my shirt first.”
My face falls. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m kiddin’. Just need to take a piss. You need to go before you climb up?”
“No, I’m fine.” I couldn’t eat or drink all day. If anything, I’m dehydrated, but I’m too tired to worry about that tonight.