Page 119 of Lucky's Trouble

“You bought it for me.”

“Did I buy those nipple clips, too?” He pulls his socks and shirt off, then undoes his belt and pants before pushing them to the ground.

“You did.” I sigh as his cock springs free right before my eyes. Lucky Jr. is nice and all, but it just can’t compare to the beauty of the real thing.

“I’m a smart man.” He pumps his rigid length as he stalks toward me.

“You’re also immortalized forever.” I giggle as I hold the dildo up for him to see.

“I don’t get it.” He takes the vibrating toy from me and gets a closer look. His eyes go wide, and he laughs so hard his eyes water. “Is this my cock?”

“It is.” I roll to my side, joining him in his laughter.

“Well fuck me. I’m huge.”

“I did have to order an extra-large kit,” I say, mostly to stroke his ego but also because it’s true.

“Wait.” His brows draw together. “How?”

I bite my lower lip, waiting for him to remember. The look on his face the second it clicks made all of my effort worth it. I laugh harder than I have ever laughed before, so hard I can’t breathe, and I let out an unladylike snort, which only starts the fit over again.

Lucky is right there with me, trying to clarify through bouts of hysterics.

“You told me you read an article about how men can taste things through their dicks.” He collapses to his knees at the side of the bed. “You put a blindfold on me and got me hard, because you said I’d be able to taste things better.”

I can’t breathe. I survived years of trauma, only to be taken out by a case of the giggles. What a way to go, though.

“Then you stuck my dick into three things. What did you tell me they were?” he asks through gasping inhales of air.

“The first two were real.” I clutch my middle, all sexiness forgotten for the moment. “Jello and mashed potatoes.”

“You stuck my dick in mashed potatoes!” He falls to the carpet.

“It was the third one that I lied about and said was mashed-up banana. How did you even believe that?”

“I don’t fuckin’ know. I was just doing it so you’d let me fuck you without your sister here.”

“Oh, my God. This is so good. Way better than I thought.” I sigh, trying to regain some composure because the fact remains that I want to get laid, and because of Cy, we have limited time.

“I can’t believe you.” He pushes back up to his knees, once again taking in the dildo. “It even has my piercings.”

“That’s why I couldn’t mix up the silicone and make the thing myself. I wanted it to be authentic, so you made the mold through my trickery.” I flash him a wink. “Then I sent it to some dick-duplicating artist in Pennsylvania. By the way, she told me congratulations when she saw what you were working with. I thought I should pass that compliment onto you.”

“Of course she did. Look at me. I’m magnificent.” He holds up the toy.

“Okay, okay. Let’s not get carried away.”

“Carried away?” he repeats as if I’ve offended him. “Let’s see if you think I’m getting carried away when I fuck you in the pussy”—he grips his still hard cock and then holds the dildo right above it—“and the ass at the same time. How many dudes can say that?”

“Not enough, honestly.”

“How do I turn this thing off? Lucky Jr. isn’t needed for what I have planned.”

“But I love him,” I pout, taking it and pressing the off button.

“You’ll love this more.” He reaches out, hooking his arms under my thighs as he drags me to the edge of the bed before diving headfirst between my legs.