“Like what you see?” I ask.
She blinks, followed by a scowl, as she snatches the bills from my hand. “Whatever.”
Her sass has me curious about how she turned out so differently from her twin. A lot of men love Myla’s innocent and demure personality—it’s evident by the number of clients she pulls. Me, though, I prefer this feisty version of my friend. All the same mouth-watering curves and beauty, but with an edge that keeps you on your toes.
“See you tomorrow morning.” Before I can slip through the curtains, Tinleigh stops me.
“You never told me your name.”
“And are you?” she asks with a coy grin.
“Am I what?”
I palm my aching junk. “Not tonight.”
* * *
Despite the godawful hour, I’m buzzing with energy as I pull into the diner. Ever since last night, I haven’t been able to get Tinleigh off my mind, even after I stroked my cock in the shower to the memory of that lap dance. And later, as I fell asleep, it was her image I drifted off to.
It’s kind of fucked, when you think about it, considering she’s my friend’s twin, but I’ve never denied wanting to bang Myla. What would it be like to be with both of them? Double the tits and sexy asses. My cock perks up at the idea, but I shake it away. I’m not that lucky.
I park out front but don’t get off my bike, admiring how badass it looks. My pride and joy is a custom matte black M8 FatBoy, with a few modifications to account for my size and style. If anything were to happen to my bike, I’d shed real tears, not caring if it made me look like a pussy.
Turning off the engine, I push down the kickstand, remove my helmet, and climb off, choosing to lean against the seat and scroll through unanswered texts as I wait. When I hear rocks crunching under the gravel, I look up and nearly lose my breath at how beautiful the woman standing in front of me is.
Last night, she was all done up with cat eyes, rosy cheeks, red lipstick, and covered in glitter that followed me home. Even after I showered, I found a few flecks of that shit in my beard. Today, she’s as natural as the day she was born. Her tanned skin glows in the morning sun, and her hair hangs over her shoulder in a long braid. Gone is the sexy lingerie, and in its place is a black, cropped baby tee and baggy, light wash jeans that hang low on her hips, showing a few inches of her stomach.
There’s not a woman in this world who can compete with her. She’s that stunning.
It’s confusing to see a near-mirror image of my friend because while she looks like Myla, she also doesn’t. There’s a sharpness in Tinleigh’s gaze and a confidence in her posture that her sister lacks. There’s also a devil on her shoulder that I recognize because I have one of my own. It tells me she knows some shit she shouldn’t, that she’s been through more than most.
She glances over her shoulder, her steps hurried. “Let’s go.”
With all the blood in my body rushing down south, I just stare at her.
“Lucky! Snap out of it. Come on.” She removes the second helmet from the cargo net secured to my tail, slips it on, and then climbs on the bike like a professional.
“Not your first time?”
“No. Now, let’s go. This neighborhood is owned by Neal, and if anyone sees me, they’ll report back to him.”
It’s odd that Neal would keep such a tight hold on his girls. Granted, we do the same at the Honey Pot, but a brothel is a whole different beast than a strip club. We don’t keep tabs on our employees because we give a shit what they do. We do it because there are regulations and shit we have to follow to keep our license.
“Yeah, okay.” I put on my dome and straddle my bike, my abs contracting when I feel her hands on them. It’s not even a sexual touch, but tell that to my twitching cock.
I’ve had plenty of chicks on my bike before since nothing makes panties drop quicker than a ride, but never has my body reacted so quickly, so viscerally. There’s something about her I can’t explain.
All I know is I want her.
“Lucky!” she shouts, slapping my side.
“Fuck,” I mutter before bringing my bike to life and peeling out of the parking lot, enjoying it a little too much when her grip tightens, and I feel her breasts press against my back.
It’s a twenty-minute ride to the brothel, and I use that time to reign in my control. Tinleigh is off-limits for so many reasons, most of which involve her sister.