Page 104 of Lucky's Trouble



Sir was just getting started, first allowing the white woman from earlier to stand and participate, when we heard gunshots from upstairs. He left us and ran to the door, a female guard telling him to stay inside the room while she checked it out.

She never returned, but the gunfire picked up again. Sir tried to use a two-way radio that was sitting on a charger near the entrance to the room, but no one responded. I had a feeling it was the Sons, more specifically Lucky, coming to rescue me.

When there continued to be no communication from his men, Sir moved on to another plan.

“Take this, Pet.” Sir hands a gun to the woman he intended to play with. “It’s up to you to protect our family. Can you do that for me?”

She gazes up at him with pure admiration and accepts the weapon. “I’m honored to have earned your trust, Sir.”

“You have.” He walks over and unhooks the leash connected to my collar before pulling me over to her. “They’re coming for her, so the only way to protect us is to threaten to take away the very thing they came for.”

Positioning me in front of her, he lifts the hand holding the gun and presses the barrel to my temple. The cold steel strikes a whole new level of fear in me. I had already been petrified to face Sir tonight, but now, I can barely even breathe.

“There you go. Just like that. If they look like they’ll shoot, I want you to kill her.”

“But she’s your pet. I can’t hurt what’s yours,” she replies.

“You can if it means saving my life, can’t you?”

She widens her stance and grips my hip. “Of course, Sir.”

“What a good pet you are.”

I hear him unhook the other two women. I’m not sure what he does next, but I know he moves to the corner of the room because that’s where his voice comes from next. “This should be fun.”

Now, the very man I’ve been longing to see is standing in front of me, his own gun aimed at the woman behind me. I look him up and down, making sure he’s unharmed from all the shots I heard.

Unkempt beard and untrimmed mustache. Check.

Hair slicked back into a man-bun. Check.

Plain white tee stretched across overly large muscles. Check.

Grease-stained jeans with holes in the knees that hug his tapered hips and tree-trunk thighs. Check.

He’s just how I left him, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

“No one has to get hurt. Just give me Tinleigh, and we’ll be on our way.” With those words, Lucky makes his first mistake. You can’t rationalize with an irrational man.

“You think I’ll just hand over one of my pets?” Sir asks, sounding amused.

“Pets? Shit, man, you’ve lost your damn mind,” Rigger chimes in.

Lucky shoots him a glare over his shoulder before refocusing on Sir. “There’s no getting out of this. Your men are all in our custody. You have no way out.”

“That’s not the way I see it because, as you may have noticed, I possess Tinleigh. She’s my ticket out. And since I’m fairly certain you’ll do whatever it takes to keep her alive, I’m secure in my ability to leave and keep myself alive.”

Lucky’s dark eyes dart to me before returning to Sir. It was the briefest glance, but I saw what he’s trying to hide. He’s scared. The man who’s stupidly confident to the point that it’s a miracle he’s still alive is scared, and knowing that has my lower lip quivering.

“I don’t know. I’m pretty sure my bullet could hit the bitch with the gun and his could nail you between the eyes before you even have a chance to react,” Rigger says.

“If you truly believe that, you would’ve done it already.”

I see the wheels in Lucky’s head spinning as he tries to work this out. If we’re going to get out of this, it’ll be because he talks our way out. Lucky’s nothing if not a bullshitter, but I might be able to help.