Page 72 of Lucky's Trouble

Rope after rope of his seed paints my skin, our mutual cries of pleasure filling the air until we both sag, our sounds reducing to panting breaths.

“Fuck me, beautiful. You look sexy covered in my cum.” He helps me stand, his gaze locked on the mess. Reaching out, he swirls a finger around my budded nipple, smearing his work of art before bringing it to my mouth. I part my lips and lick it clean. “Goddamn.”

He takes a step back, turning away from me, and wipes a hand over his forehead as he chuckles. “What the hell are you doing to me? Never thought I’d be this guy. I gave Rigger so much shit over being this guy, yet here I am, fucking obsessed to the point of madness.” He looks over at me, determination in his eyes. “I’ll never let you go. Not fucking ever. And I know how crazy that sounds, but what I’m feeling is beyond my control.”

I stand there, naked and dripping in his cum, finally believing every word he’s said since we met.

“Does that scare you?” he asks.

“No,” I answer quickly. “It should terrify me, especially given my history, but there’s nothing about you that scares me anymore.”

He closes the distance between us, cupping my face with his hands and tilting my head up to look at him. “Good.”

“Good,” I agree, lifting onto my toes to kiss him. “Now, can we go shower?”

“Hell yeah.”

A half-hour later, we’re clean and tucked into bed, my head on his shoulder and our legs tangled together.

“I really like Navy and Jenson. Your brothers are cool, too,” I say, playing with the hair on his chest.

“They liked you.”

“There was one I didn’t meet, though. He sat next to Dutch at dinner, but when we went over to say hi, he left. Who was that?”

Lucky grunts. “That’s Riot. Don’t take it personally; he’s an asshole.”

I did take it personally, though. He glared at me as we walked over, quickly gathering his plate and disappearing into the kitchen. It was as if I’d done something to piss him off, but that can’t be since we’ve never met. He wasn’t the guy who came to the club with Lucky, and he wasn’t one of the ones who came to rescue me.

“Is he mad I’m here?”

“No, not really. He’s just worried Neal won’t back down and will come after the club. Some bullshit went down with Rigger and Navy a few months back, and Riot got sucked into the whole thing.”

“What happened?”

Lucky proceeds to tell me how Navy is actually Rigger’s stepsister, and his dad had been sexually abusing the girl for years. Rigger got kicked out of the house before it began and had no idea what was going on, but when he finally found out, all hell broke loose. His dad was protected by some crime family, and in order for Rigger to make things right for Navy, Riot had to commit to taking care of the crime family’s dead weight for a while.

“Two questions,” I say after he finishes the insane tale. “Where’s Rigger’s dad now, and what exactly is Riot doing for them?”

“There’s a lot I won’t be able to tell you when it comes to club business—not because I want to keep secrets, but because the less you know, the better.”


“Plausible deniability,” he says.

“Meaning, in case the cops question me?”

“Not just that. Everyone knows Church is sacred, and anything we discuss is kept between those four walls so you’re less likely to be their target.”

My stomach sinks, putting together enough pieces to know Rigger’s dad is probably dead and Riot is probably acting as a hitman for that family.

Growing up, the closest I got to crime was hearing about it on the news, but the last two years have opened my eyes to the criminal underbelly of the world quite a bit, so not much shocks me anymore. Least of all hearing that Rigger would murder his own dad for raping his stepdaughter. To me, that’s vigilante justice.

I settle my arms on his chest and rest my chin on my hands. “Be honest with me. Is your life always in danger?”

“No, not always. Especially not since Cy became Prez. He’s all about not making waves and keeping legit businesses.”

“So then he probably didn’t want you to get involved with Neal, huh?”