All the Honey Pot Ranch employees know the drill and what’ll happen to them if they don’t keep their mouths shut about what goes on around here. They value their lives and their fat paychecks too much to test us.
The Sons of Erebus might’ve lost some credibility a few years ago when we had a scuffle with a rival club that nearly bankrupted us and a betrayal from our own president, but that’s all behind us now. We’re stronger than ever, and thanks to this brothel, we’re more liquid than ever.
Hugo hands Riot a bag of ice for his knuckles as he walks out the back door. Always the loner, he doesn’t feel the need to hang around or make small talk—the exact opposite of me. So, instead of leaving, I meander through the property, heading straight for Myla’s room. Shift change was about an hour ago, so she’s probably freshly showered and winding down.
Rapping my knuckles on her door, I wait for her to tell me to enter before pushing my way in. Myla’s sprawled out on her bed, nearly naked, making my cock stir. Even in a simple, white cotton bralette and panties that cover her whole ass, she’s sexy.
“’Sup, hot stuff?” I smirk and flop down next to her, shoving aside a stuffed animal and a pink, frilly pillow.
“I’m sleepy.” She curls around a pillow, facing me.
“Busy day?”
She yawns. “The busiest. There’s a car show in Reno this weekend, so my dance card was full of gearheads.”
“That’s right. I forgot that was this weekend.” I stare up at her white ceiling. “We should go check it out tomorrow night.”
“I don’t know. I’m on tour, and you know how weird Mary gets about us leaving the property. I’d have to take a chaperone, and it’s a whole huge deal.”
The courtesans we employ work either a two- or four-week tour, where they’re required to remain on the property unless they’re going on a date with a client or escorted by staff. Most choose to stay and utilize staff to run their errands. I can’t tell you how often I’ve purchased tampons.
“Maybe she’d be okay with me being the chaperone.”
“We already push the boundaries on what’s acceptable. I mean, if Rigger walked in here right now, he’d blow a gasket.”
She’s right. Since the Sons own the brothel, we’re not allowed to fraternize with the ladies. Not that that’s what she and I are doing. Myla, who goes by Fiona when she’s working, is a friend. That’s it. I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t fuck her in a heartbeat, but my loyalty to the club would never allow me to cross that line.
Myla’s cool as shit, though. We clicked right away and have become close, but that’s where it ends, because she can’t afford to lose this job, and I can’t afford to betray my club.
“I’ll talk to Rigger. He knows we’re friends.”
“Okay.” She yawns again, her jaw clicking with the intensity.
“Unless you don’t want—”
“No, I do. It’d be fun to get out and do something that doesn’t involve my vagina.” Her words are joking, but her tone is stale, which is unlike her. She’s always wiped after a shift, but this is something different.
“You just tired, or is there something else going on?”
Reaching under my cut, she snags a piece of licorice. “Nothing new. I just haven’t heard from Tinleigh in a few days.”
“You worried about her?”
“A little.” She places a hand on my chest and rests her chin on it. “I have this feeling she’s hiding something from me.”
“Can’t twins read each other’s minds or some shit?”
“Three months ago, I would’ve said yes and that I knew everything about her. But she’s been so secretive ever since I quit the Thirst Trap.”
“Maybe I should finally meet this infamous twin. See if I can get a read on her.”
“Maybe. Though if she’s not answering my calls, I don’t know how to arrange that.”
I quirk a brow. “Want me to go to the Thirst Trap?”
“No.” She pauses for a long moment. “Not yet, anyway. I don’t want her to think I don’t trust her.”
I climb off her bed. “Whatever you need, darlin’, you let me know.”