While my hands are tangling in his hair, his are roaming up and down my jean-covered thighs and ass. As our kiss intensifies and grows hungrier, the urge for more is almost more than I can bear. All knowledge of where we are and who’s just on the other side of the door leaves me completely. There’s only the sound of my soft moans, the feel of him pressed against me, the scent of barbecue, and. . . barbecue?
We’re at his parents’ house. His entire family is waiting for us in the other room. What the hell is wrong with me?
I break the kiss, tipping my head back so he can’t kiss me again, but it only opens my throat to him, and he takes advantage, biting and sucking between kisses. Holy shit, it feels so good, but no. This can’t happen, not here or anywhere. Not only because of Myla’s warnings but because I can’t give myself to anyone. My life doesn’t belong to me, and if I think for even a second that it does, everything will be ruined.
“Lucky, stop,” I whisper shout.
He doesn’t stop. Instead, he wedges his leg under my ass so I don’t fall and skims his hands up my body until he reaches my heavy and sensitive breasts. The second his fingers flick over my tightly budded nipples, I feel the beginning of an orgasm blooming low in my belly. My body doesn’t seem to care that there’s a layer of lace and cotton between us.
Fuck. I’ll hate myself for this, but it has to be done.
“Lucky,” I repeat, only louder and less breathy. “Stop. We have to stop.”
As if coming out of a trance, he freezes in place, his lips still on my neck and his hands covering my breasts. Seconds pass as we both fight to slow our breaths and collect ourselves until he finally lowers me to the ground and turns, giving me his back.
“Shit,” he curses with his head lowered.
“I-I’m sorry. It’s just—”
“No, you’re right. The first time I fuck you won’t be in my parents’ bathroom. I’ll save that for holidays when we bring our kids to visit their grandparents.”
My eyes widen, and all words leave me completely. It’s not often I’m stunned stupid. There’s no way I heard him right because it’s been two days and one kiss, and he’s already planning a future that involves kids? He really is insane.
He’s smirking when he glances over his shoulder. “No arguments? Good. This’ll be easier than I thought.”
“Why would I argue when you’re obviously joking?”
Facing me, he looks me dead in the eyes, all hint of amusement gone. “Not kidding, Tinny. I’ve never once even considered being with someone long-term. It never even crossed my mind. But the second I saw you up on that stage, that all changed. I know it’s too soon, and you’re scared—”
“I’m not scared of you.” I stand firm while also melting on the inside at his use of the nickname Myla gave me when we were just kids.
“Not of me, maybe.” He shrugs. “But of whatever this is between us? You’re shakin’ in your boots. And that’s okay; it scares me, too.”
Laughter coming from the dining room interrupts us, and I breathe a sigh of relief.
“Come on. We can talk about this later.”
Little does he know, there won’t be a later because I won’t be seeing him again.
* * *
I cling to every last second of freedom on our ride back to the diner. But the second my feet are on solid ground, I’m on high alert, scanning my surroundings and eyeing everyone in the vicinity like a potential threat, because they are.
“Thanks for today. I gotta go,” I say to Lucky, who’s studying me way too closely, his helmet resting under his arm.
“I can take you to your apartment, you know.”
“No, it’s okay. It’s just through that alley.”
“All right.” He holds out his hand, and I panic. I might be able to lie my way out of this somehow, but if he hugs me or, worse, kisses me, I’m dead meat. “Your phone, Tinny. Just asking for your phone.”
“I don’t have one.”
Not one he can call. The only cell I have is in my nightstand at my apartment, in case Neal checked the location services today.
“Figured as much since that outfit ain’t hidin’ nothin’.”