Page 123 of Lucky's Trouble

“Forever, baby.”

Claps sound from behind me, and I turn to see Jensen giving me a standing ovation. I take a dramatic bow that loosens the towel around my waist so that when I stand back up, it falls. Again.

I bend to grab it, but it’s yanked off the ground. Next thing I know, my Hellcat is booking it down the path, towel flying through the air behind her.

“Now you’re really gonna get it!” I shout and cup my junk as I give chase.

“Never a dull moment,” Jensen mutters.

“Just so you know, it’s cold out. Normally, I’m quite impressive,” I say as I pass.

“I’ll bet you are.”

“No, seriously. Have Tinleigh show you the dildo she had made.”

“I don’t know what that means, but I think I’m good not knowing.” He waves me off.

It’s crazy to think it’s been just over two months since Tinleigh stepped into my life, or rather, I stepped into her strip club. It feels like we’ve lived ten lifetimes since then, and not all of those lives have been good ones, but the best part about getting all the bad shit out of the way at the beginning of our relationship is that now we got nothing but good coming our way.

Not to say that there won’t be hard times, because I’m sure there will be, but we both fought hard to get where we’re at now, and our foundation is strong, which will make regular people’s hard times feel like a piece of cake. There’s not a doubt in my mind that we’ll make it.

I open the front door to the cabin, not spotting my Hellcat anywhere. “Where’d you go?”


“I see how it is. You can dish it out, but you can’t take it.” I walk over to the ladder and climb halfway up before I hear buzzing. “Oh, hell no.”

I take the remaining ladder rungs two at a time until I’m on the landing and see Tinleigh on the bed, fucking herself with the purple replica of my dick. She’s on her knees, ass in the air, shoulders pressed to the mattress. One hand is on her tit while the other works that thing in and out of my goddamn pussy.

Her eyes open, and a sly smile creeps across her lips. “Care to join us?”

I stalk toward her, stroking my cock that, for the first time in my life, needs a little coaxing after nearly catching frostbite, but it’s coming around. “Just remember you asked for this.”

“Asked for what?”

I kneel on the bed behind her and smack her ass hard enough to make it bounce. “Lucky Jr. and I are about to butter both sides of your bread.”



“Why won’t you tell me where you’re going?” Tinleigh sits up in our bed and adjusts the pillows behind her. “And why do you have to be gone until tomorrow?”

I slip my knife into the sheath at my hip while staring down at my woman. Just minutes ago, she was relaxed and sated after a round of naked gymnastics that resulted in her having three orgasms—one with my face between her legs, one while I played with her nipples and fucked her with Lucky Jr, and a third on my cock. The last one was my favorite, and not just because I came that time, too. I’m not selfish like that. It was because her wrists were bound to her ankles, which kept her thighs spread wide, and I was able to watch as her cunt creamed all over my dick.

Fucking thing of beauty right there.

Now she’s pulling the covers up over her tits and eyeing me suspiciously.

“Club business.”

“Liar. If it were club business, someone would be going with you.”

Well, shit. She’s picked up a lot about club life in the six months since moving in with me.

“You worried about me, Hellcat?” I lean over and cage her in with a hand on either side of her luscious hips, bringing us nearly nose to nose.

“I always worry about you.” Her gaze drops to my lips.