‘Actually, he can be a total pain but he’s been my total pain for a long time, and I will definitely miss him.’

‘Me too,’ Clara admitted with a smile, bending down to pick up the carrier bag that held the trowel her mother had ignored in favour of her hands. ‘I’ve grown quite fond of him recently.’

‘I expect you’ll miss River too.’

Clara shrugged, even though the prospect of River leaving was occupying her thoughts more and more.

‘I suppose I will, a bit. But he’ll be off soon without giving me a backward glance. He won’t miss me. I’m just someone he used to know.’

‘Are you sure about that?’ asked Julie, nodding towards the churchyard gate.

Clara followed her mother’s gaze and caught her breath when she saw River standing there.

‘He’s waiting for you,’ said Julie.

‘I’m not sure?—’

‘He’s here for you, Clara,’ her mother insisted, taking the carrier bag from her. ‘Now don’t keep him waiting.’



Geoffrey was going to sell the fabulous lost diamonds that Audrey had dropped into his palm yesterday afternoon. Clara could hardly believe her ears. She’d assumed that the necklace would go into a safe somewhere and never be seen again. But she hadn’t banked on Geoffrey’s practicality and lack of sentimentality.

‘How much do you think they’re worth?’ she asked, dipping her toes into the stream that cut through the manor grounds.

River had suggested they come here, and now the two of them were sitting on its banks, hidden from the manor by willow trees whose branches trailed in the fast-flowing water.

‘We’re not sure yet. I’m arranging to have them properly valued.’

‘The necklace is stunning and if the story of Queen Victoria giving it as a gift to the Brellashams is true, it could be worth a small fortune.’

‘I suspect the necklace will fetch a fair bit – enough for my father to get repairs done and live on at the manor for another couple of years or so. Sadly, it’s not a long-term answer to his dilemma.’

‘Maybe not, but your dad will love having more time here, and we’ll have more time to come up with a better option than selling this place.’

‘If there is one.’

‘Yeah, if there is one,’ Clara agreed, picturing the joy on her mother’s face when she was told that her home and job were safe for a while longer, thanks to the diamonds.

River swished his feet in the cool, clear stream and winced when water splashed up Clara’s leg. ‘Sorry.’

Clara laughed. ‘You’re forgiven. What did your dad say about Audrey? I felt so sorry for him, being taken by surprise like that. He must have felt as if he’d stepped into some alternate universe.’

‘I was worried he was about to keel over when she walked towards him across the ballroom, like a ghost.’

‘Me too. I thought he took it remarkably well, considering. Has he forgiven us for keeping Audrey’s miraculous resurrection a secret?’

‘I think so. Maybe we should have told him about her from the start, but we’d promised Audrey.’

‘We were in a very difficult position,’ Clara agreed, ‘and we weren’t to know that she’d turn up out of the blue like that.’ She batted away a fly that was buzzing round her face. Clouds had covered the sun and the weather had turned hot and muggy. ‘Do you think your dad will see her again?’

‘I don’t know. Maybe, once he’s got over the shock of it.’

Clara turned her face to River. ‘I hope he will. It must have taken a lot of courage for Audrey to step inside the manor again, after all that went on in the house and the memories it must hold for her.’

‘Mmm,’ said River, sounding distracted. He swished his feet back and forth in the stream.