Bartie sat down, clearing the floor for River, who got to his feet.

‘Thanks, Bartie, and thanks to, um, Geoffrey.’

He’d used his first name. River and Geoffrey had never been particularly close but, sixteen years ago, at least he’d called him ‘father’.

‘Thank you to all of you for being here.’ His eyes briefly settled on Clara and then moved on. ‘I’m sorry that we’ve had to give you bad news today.’

He shifted from foot to foot and cleared his throat. ‘For those of you who don’t know me, I spent the first years of my life in this house before my mother and I moved to Australia when I was a teenager.’ The Australian twang in his voice was unmistakable.

‘Though I’ve seen my father in Australia since then, I’ve never been back to England. However, I recently became aware of the difficulties that Geoffrey is facing with this house so I’ve come over to offer what help I can. Along with my cousin Bartie, who, like me, has links to the manor but, unlike me, has the expertise to push a sale forward. I don’t think my work as a software programmer has equipped me for striking a hard-nosed property deal.’

He gave an awkward laugh as Clara remembered River’s interest in computers and IT as a teenager. So, he’d made it his career.

‘But couldn’t you stay and take on the house?’ urged Phillip.

River shook his head. ‘I’m afraid not. The financial difficulties posed by this house would be exactly the same for me, and my work and life are back in Australia. Brellasham Manor isn’t my home and it hasn’t been for a long time.’ He glanced at Geoffrey, who was still staring into his lap. ‘Anyway, that’s all we know at the moment but we’ll keep you informed.’

‘Yes,’ said Geoffrey, pushing himself up from his chair. ‘We wanted to make you aware of the situation and we’ll keep you abreast of our plans to sell and how your jobs will be affected. Thank you for coming.’

‘Well,’ said Julie as a discontented murmur rose around them. ‘That’s that then.’

‘I can’t believe it,’ muttered Clara, trying to make sense of what they’d just been told. ‘Are you all right, Mum?’

‘Of course I am.’ Julie stood up abruptly and smoothed her hands down her skirt. ‘All good things come to an end. Isn’t that what they say? Well, there’s no point in crying over spilt milk. Worse things happen at sea.’

Clara blinked at the deluge of platitudes. ‘If you say so, Mum, but don’t you think?—’

‘It’s best not to think, I find,’ said Julie tartly. ‘Now, we’d better get refreshments organised for everyone. You said you could help me with that.’

‘Of course I can, but?—’

Julie raised a hand. ‘Let’s get on with it, then. There’s absolutely no point in panicking because I’m sure that someone will pull a rabbit out of a hat and come to Brellasham Manor’s rescue. Don’t you think?’

‘Um… probably. Possibly.’

Julie nodded towards River, Bartie and Geoffrey, who were surrounded by people asking questions. ‘Perhaps Bartie will come up with a solution, or River will decide to stay after all.’

‘Mmm.’ Clara twisted her mouth. ‘I doubt it, to be honest, Mum. He said himself that he doesn’t feel he belongs here.’

‘Then perhaps Katrina will change his mind,’ said Julie, raising an eyebrow at the village vamp who had once done some work for Geoffrey and was now standing far too close to River.

‘I hardly think so.’

There was a strange fizzing feeling in Clara’s chest. River would never fall for Katrina’s outrageous flirting, would he? She was totally wrong for him, though Clara didn’t know how she could be sure of that after so many years.

Back when they were teenagers, River took little notice of the pretty girls in Heaven’s Cove. He said he preferred ‘interesting’ girls with stories to tell. Though he was probably only being kind to Clara, who felt like an ugly duckling, with her unruly, thick hair and freckles. They’d got on so well back then. Clara had trusted him implicitly, and he’d entrusted her with his secrets. But then he’d let her down.

However, none of that mattered now, thought Clara. The manor was going to be sold and its link with generations of Brellasham and Netherway families severed. River would head back to Australia, after having a fling with Katrina or not – and, however brave Julie was about the situation, nothing would ever be the same again, either for the Brellasham family or for the Netherways.



Everyone had disappeared an hour later, leaving dozens of dirty tea cups in the ballroom and biscuit crumbs scattered across the polished wooden floorboards.

Clara was supposed to be helping her mum clear up but, right now, all she was doing was gazing out of the window, trying to make sense of the bombshell that had just been dropped.

Her mum was still in denial over the news that she faced losing her job and her home. And then there was Geoffrey.