‘How did you know I was here?’

‘I was watching out the window and saw you walking up the cliff. So I took my coffee cup into the kitchen and came out through the back door. I didn’t mean to startle you.’

‘No, you didn’t. Not really. I mean, you made me jump but not much,’ Isla gabbled, feeling ridiculously wrong-footed.

‘So, are you looking for me?’

‘I am.’ Isla brushed hair from her face, which was burning, in spite of the chill breeze.

‘Look, I’m sorry I left without saying a proper goodbye,’ said Ben quickly. ‘You weren’t around yesterday morning when Rosie messaged saying a room was free, and I thought I’d get out of your hair. Caitlin said she’d tell you, and I was going to message you from London.’

‘Of course. It’s fine but I’m not here about that.’ Isla reached into the pocket of her jacket. ‘You left this.’

‘Oh.’ Ben took the hat Isla was holding out and gave a sheepish grin. ‘I did wonder where it had gone.’

‘Under the coat stand in our hall.’

‘Well, thank you for bringing it back.’

‘I didn’t want you leaving without it. When are you going?’

‘Tomorrow morning, now. I’ve booked a hotel near Heathrow for tomorrow night and I fly early the next day.’

‘Fabaroo.’ Isla tried to keep her expression neutral. She’d never said fabaroo in her entire life. Ben would think she was an idiot.

If he did, his face didn’t show it. ‘Shall we walk a while?’ he asked. ‘I’m going to be in a car for hours soon and some exercise would be great.’ Paul wouldn’t like it. That’s the thought that ran through Isla’s mind as Ben waited for her answer. ‘Of course, if you’re busy and—’

‘No. I have time to walk.’


He led the way out of Rosie’s wind-blown garden and onto the clifftop where scattered patches of melting snow glinted in the sunlight. They walked together out to where the land fell away into the churning sea and stood watching seagulls swoop above them.

‘It’s such a beautiful day.’ Isla tried to keep her voice level but the thought of Ben disappearing off to his life, far across the Atlantic, was making her feel…She didn’t quite know how she was feeling. Envious. Sad. Shackled.

The sea far below her was a moving sheet of aquamarine. The clouds were puffs of white and Heaven’s Cove hugged the coast, as it had done for hundreds of years. People, tiny in the distance, walked cobbled streets strung with Christmas decorations, and boats clustered around the ancient stone quay.

How could she feel shackled to such a beautiful village? She was fortunate to live in such a picturesque place and in such a comfortable home. She was fortunate to have a loyal man like Paul by her side, even if sometimes his intensity made her feel claustrophobic.

‘It’s funny,’ said Ben, his words almost whipped away by the wind.

‘What is?’ asked Isla, tucking the end of her ponytail into the collar of her jacket.

‘It’s funny that I didn’t want to come to Heaven’s Cove at all. I was annoyed with Mom for insisting on it.’

‘I’d never have guessed.’

He grinned. ‘I know, I know. I was very transparent.’

‘Completely see-through.’

‘Fair comment, but I thought the whole thing was a waste of time. An old letter. A five-hour drive from London. But I’ve got caught up in what happened to William and Edith and, though I only came here to be kind to my mother’ – his eyes met hers – ‘I now find I don’t want to leave. Strange, huh?’

‘I didn’t realise you’d grown so fond of the village,’ said Isla, holding his gaze.

‘Not the village, so much. More the people in it.’ Ben looked away. He seemed flustered. ‘Look, I’m sorry about what happened in your kitchen the other night.’

‘Is that why you left without saying goodbye?’ When Ben nodded, Isla’s heart sank. ‘I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to embarrass you.’