‘Cat food?’

‘I have no idea,’ said Caitlin, pulling up the zip on her jacket. She looked at her watch and frowned.

‘Are you going somewhere?’

‘Yeah, I thought I might go out again for a walk.’

‘Would you like me to come with you?’

‘No,’ said Caitlin quickly. ‘No need. I just want some fresh air and I won’t be long. See you later, yeah?’

‘Yeah, see you later,’ said Isla, but Caitlin had disappeared through the front door before she’d finished speaking.

There was definitely something going on, thought Isla, finally getting round to turning up the thermostat. Caitlin was concerned about Maisie for some reason, and now she was off on some mystery mission that was making her nervous. Isla had known her sister long enough to recognise when she was flustered.

But it was none of her business, Isla decided, going into the kitchen to make Ben a cup of strong coffee. There were enough old secrets about Edith and William to unravel, without trying to uncover Caitlin’s present-day ones too.



Caitlin checked her watch for the third time in as many minutes. She’d hurried to get here on time, but Sean was late and there had been no text or call to explain why. Surely he wouldn’t have arranged a meeting to then leave her standing here, on a snowy cliff high above Heaven’s Cove, as some sort of twisted revenge? Caitlin shook her head, ashamed that the thought had even crossed her mind. Sean had been kind and decent as a teenager and she had no reason to suspect that he’d changed.

He’d helped her look for Maisie yesterday, for goodness’ sake. Which, in a roundabout way, was why this meeting was happening at all. When Caitlin had texted to let him know that her stepdaughter was safe, he’d replied with a request that they get together for a chat.

Caitlin’s first inclination had been to gently decline. Why did Sean want to meet up again? What good would it do? But on second thoughts, it had seemed churlish to say no – though she had insisted on the location of their rendezvous.

He’d suggested meeting at The Smugglers Haunt, but Caitlin had changed it first thing this morning for the cliff that rose above the village. She didn’t want locals gossiping about the two of them, and she did desperately need fresh air. Ever since finding out about Stuart’s betrayal last night, she’d felt as if she was suffocating. And she had no idea how Maisie was coping with the news. The teenager had clammed up as usual.

Caitlin glanced around, wondering if Rosie might spot her out here. But Driftwood House was quiet behind her, with no one to be seen. The snow around it was thawing and patches of grass were emerging across the clifftop. But the road down to the village was still slippery and she noticed that Ben had walked to Rose Cottage rather than chance taking his hire car.

She turned back to the swelling tide that was booming into the foot of the cliff. Seagulls were circling overhead and a boat, a splash of red in the water, was chugging towards the quay. It was so peaceful up here, and beautiful with the sun lighting a golden path across the waves.

Heaven’s Cove lay far below her, hugging the curve of the land where it began to rise away from the sea. Smoke curled from chimneys, and the village Christmas tree – erected but not yet garlanded with lights – was a smudge of snowy-green near the church tower. This wasn’t such a bad place to be when you needed a break from the cut and thrust of London, from the pain and heartache of a broken marriage.

‘Hey!’ Sean had just appeared, hurrying up the path. ‘Sorry I’m late,’ he called. ‘My stupid watch stopped. It needs a new battery.’ He reached Caitlin, his cheeks red. ‘And I’m not getting any younger. I used to jog up this cliff and now walking up it almost kills me.’ His smile faded. ‘Are you OK? You look cold.’

‘Yeah, it’s freezing up here. Shall we walk to warm up?’


The two of them wandered along the clifftop, away from Heaven’s Cove, their feet leaving prints in the snow. They’d walked across the cliff dozens of times before but, this time, Caitlin didn’t know what to say. Impacted snow squeaked under their feet as they walked on.

After a while, Sean cleared his throat. ‘Thanks for letting me know that you’d found Maisie. You said she’d been out helping the residents’ association?’

‘That’s right. She should have told me first but… Anyway, she’s safe and that’s all that matters.’

‘Are you sure you’re all right?’ Sean glanced at her. ‘You sound…I don’t know. Different.’

‘Sorry. I didn’t sleep well last night and there’s a lot going on.’

They walked on further, making small talk about her car and the upcoming Forties Night dance, and villagers whom Caitlin remembered from her adolescence. So many people seemed to arrive in Heaven’s Cove, put down roots and stay for ever. People like Isla, who was determined to stay put.

‘I wasn’t sure you’d agree to meet me,’ said Sean, coming to a halt. Driftwood House was a way behind them now and Caitlin could just see the chimneys of Heaven’s Brook in the distance.

‘You helped me look for Maisie. I was happy to meet up for a chat.’

‘Even if you didn’t fancy a get-together in the pub?’