Isla narrowed her eyes, as if she didn’t know whether to believe her sister or not. Then, her gaze shifted over Caitlin’s shoulder.
‘I think he’s here,’ she hissed as Caitlin felt a draught on the back of her neck. When she turned, a big bear of a man in blue jeans and a charcoal-grey jacket was standing in the doorway. He pushed both hands through his thick, dark hair, which was damp from the drizzle outside, and, when Caitlin caught his eye, he made his way across the crowded pub towards them.
‘Which one of you is Isla?’ he asked on reaching them.
‘That’s me. Hello.’ Isla stretched her hand across the table for Ben to shake it. ‘And this is my sister, Caitlin.’
Ben’s hand was wet with rain and Caitlin noticed Isla surreptitiously rubbing her fingers along the thigh of her jeans, beneath the table.
‘So you’re Ben.’ Caitlin nodded at the chair opposite her. ‘Would you like to take a seat?’
‘Sure, might as well.’
He took off his jacket and draped it on the back of the chair before sitting down. ‘Well. Here we are.’ He breathed out slowly. ‘It’s a pleasure to meet you both.’
Caitlin, used to her husband’s half-truths, recognised a lie when she heard one. She smiled sweetly. ‘You too.’
‘It was good of you to break into your travels to come to Heaven’s Cove,’ said Isla.
Caitlin’s phone suddenly began to ring and she fumbled for it in her pocket, as people at the bar turned to look at her. It was Stuart, and he might have news.
‘Please excuse me but I have to take this,’ said Caitlin, ignoring Isla’s wide-eyed stare. Her sister would have to deal with this reluctant visitor on her own. Paul would have a fit, but what he didn’t know wouldn’t upset him.
‘Hey,’ said Caitlin, after answering the call. ‘Hold on a minute.’ Pushing her way through the throng at the bar, she made her way to a corner of the pub which was quieter. ‘What’s going on, Stuart? You haven’t been answering my calls or replying to my texts.’
‘I’ve been busy, Cait. I know you think this work conference is a jolly because it’s in Gran Canaria, but it’s exhausting, actually.’
‘So you haven’t managed to get to the beach or golf course then?’
He paused. ‘I have, but not for long. Anyway, where are you?’
‘I’m still in Heaven’s Cove.’
‘With Maisie?’
‘Of course with Maisie.’ Did he think she’d abandoned his daughter on the side of the road somewhere? ‘It might be nice if you texted her some time. She’s been asking after you and I didn’t know what to say.’
‘Have you told her what’s going on?’
‘No, because I wanted to give you a chance to put things right first. Like you said, she might never need to know what you’ve done.’ When Stuart fell silent, Caitlin prompted: ‘So does she need to know?’
A long sigh echoed down the line and Caitlin’s heart sank.
‘I’m not sure how to tell you this.’
‘You’ve definitely lost the house,’ said Caitlin dully. ‘Our home is gone.’
‘It wasn’t my fault, Cait.’
‘Then whose fault is it?’ Caitlin blinked furiously, determined not to cry.She’d tried so hard to balance her anger and feeling of betrayal with understanding that Stuart might need help. But he’d promised so much and here they were, losing everything.
‘I made a few bad calls. That’s all. I’m the victim here. Fate has conspired against me.’
‘You conspired against you, Stuart. It’s you who lost the money through your irresponsible gambling, and it’s you who’s left your daughter without a roof over her head.’
‘These people I owe money to, they’re not to be messed with,’ said Stuart, the hint of a whine in his voice. ‘I’d get out of it if I could but I can’t so the house will have to be sold right away, and that’s that.’
‘To pay off the debts that you’ve built up.’