‘Did you say the letter belonged to your grandmother?’ asked Nell.
‘It was in my grandmother’s belongings, after she passed away. Edith, the woman William wrote to, was my gran’s aunt, so my great-great-aunt.’
The smile on Nell’s face faded. ‘I was very sorry to hear about your grandmother’s passing. I’m so sorry for your loss. How are you doing?’
It was such an unexpected question, Isla dug her nails into her palm so she wouldn’t cry. She swallowed. ‘I’m doing all right, thank you for asking.’
Nell’s face crumpled into sympathy. ‘Losing someone you love is hard. My husband, Jackson, passed away last year and it takes time to…’ She stopped mid-sentence.
‘That must be hard for you and your family,’ said Isla, her nerves starting to subside. She and Nell might be strangers, but they had one major thing in common – overwhelming grief.
Nell pursed her lips and breathed out slowly. ‘It is very difficult, but that’s why I’m so caught up in this genealogy business. I’ve been researching my husband’s family tree, which has made me feel closer to him, you know?’
Isla nodded because she did know. ‘That’s why I want to find out more about this letter that my gran left behind.’
‘You’re not ready to let her go yet?’ When Isla shook her head, too choked up to speak, Nell reached a hand towards the screen, as if she was sending sparks of empathy across the Atlantic. ‘Then, let’s see what we can find out about William and Edith. I’d love to know, for me, and for my children, who share a little of William’s DNA. Both of my children are grown up now. My daughter’s married, with children of her own. She lives not too far away in Chautauqua County.’ Chautauqua…Isla let the word rattle around her brain. It sounded so exotic compared to the names of Devon villages. ‘My son lives and works in New York City, but he’s travelling right now. Anyway, what can I tell you about William Columbus?’
‘We know nothing about him, so anything you can tell us will be much appreciated.’
‘Sure.’ Nell cleared her throat. ‘He came up briefly in my research, as my husband’s second cousin once removed, but he’s a shadowy figure. Jackson’s mother had heard a little about him in stories told at Columbus family gatherings. Apparently, he was brought up in New York by his grandmother.’
‘Who’s mentioned in the letter.’
Nell nodded. ‘She is indeed, but I’m afraid the news about William is terribly sad because he died of what sounds like an asthma attack. He had damaged lungs, apparently.’
‘Do you know exactly when he died?’
‘I do, and that’s why reading his letter to Edith was so poignant. He died not very long after writing it, in the winter of 1919. Jackson’s mom heard that the cold weather in New York was what carried him off. It did for his grandmother shortly afterwards, too.’
Isla felt her jaw drop. ‘That’s incredibly sad. According to the letter, they and Edith were all going to move to Florida. Perhaps that was for his health.’
‘Very possibly. East Coast winters can be brutal for people with respiratory problems.’ Nell shook her head. ‘But what about Edith? Your sister said in her email, confirming our online call, that this lady is buried near you and it seems that she and William never married?’
‘That seems to be the case. She still had the surname Anstey when she died.’
‘When was that?’
‘Just a few years later than William, in 1922.’
‘No! That’s tragic. They were both so young. Much younger than my children.’
‘What I can’t work out—’ Isla began her sentence again. ‘One of the many things I can’t work out, is how he and Edith met in the first place?’
‘I’m not entirely sure about that. Trans-Atlantic travel wasn’t so popular back then and, unlike my son who’s in Europe right now, I doubt that William or his grandmother had the funds to spend time abroad. I’m doing some research to see if he served in World War One and I’m going through old family photos in case he shows up. Do you think Edith maybe did travel back with him to the States in 1919 and their relationship broke up over here?’
‘Perhaps, though I’ve no proof that she did go back with him. Caitlin has been trying to find the passenger list for the Sylvestria but no luck so far.’
‘What about birth and death certificates?’
‘We’re trying to track those down too.’
Nell sat back in her chair. ‘Well, I wish you luck. Their love story has been lost in the mists of time, which is terribly romantic in its own way. I’m not sure what else I know that can help you, Isla, but—’ She stopped and frowned. ‘I’ve just had an idea, actually. I’d like to find out more about William’s story, and Edith’s as well. She was obviously very special to him and I’d love to know more about where William came to in the UK, all those years ago.’
She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth. ‘Tell me if this sounds crazy but, as I say, my son’s in Europe. He’s been travelling around the south for a few weeks and will be arriving in London early tomorrow, before he heads home for the holidays a few days later. I was wondering, maybe he could call in on you folks, to have a chat about the old days and take some photos of the area for me?’
‘Oh.’ Isla hesitated. She didn’t feel up to entertaining strangers at the moment. ‘We’re a bit at sixes and sevens here—’
‘He wouldn’t presume to stay with you,’ said Nell. ‘He could find his own accommodation. But please don’t worry about it. You have far too much to do at the moment, I’m sure, with your grandmother’s passing. It was just a thought.’