Magda took a sip of her drink, the rhythmic thump of loud music coursing through her. She could stay in here and keep her secret forever. Or she could be brave and say her piece.

The moment of decision had arrived. Magda pictured herself standing at a crossroads – one road offering the status quo and the other leading to change – because however Stan reacted to her profession of love, it would alter their relationship. But would it be a change for the better, or would it be disastrous?

‘Enough of the ridiculous navel-gazing,’ muttered Magda, necking the last of her Cava for Dutch courage and following Stan out of the marquee. She had to know, whatever the cost.

The man she loved was standing with his back to Driftwood House, staring out over the sea. Today the water was a beautiful shade of aquamarine, and the glistening waves were crested with white horses.

It was just the sort of cheerful spring day that Penny had loved.

Magda swallowed, her stomach churning, and walked over to stand beside Stan.

‘It’s beautiful, isn’t it?’ she said as brightly as she could. ‘However many times I see this view, it still takes my breath away.’

Stan glanced around, leaning heavily on his walking stick. ‘Magda! Hello.’

He didn’t look overjoyed to see her, and Magda’s resolve began to slip. But the sounds of happy couples in the marquee behind her spurred her on.

Maybe she could have a happy ending too. It might be brief. But it would be hers to remember until her last breath.

‘You look done in, Mags,’ said Stan, turning away from the view. ‘You and Alyssa have been working non-stop all afternoon. You should take a break.’

‘I’m not too bad, thanks to Alyssa, who’s a marvel. She’s been on her feet all day and has been a huge help. But how are you doing? It’s been a long afternoon for you.’

In your condition hung unspoken in the air between them.

‘There’s no need to worry about me.’ Stan went back to looking at the ocean. ‘Your cake was magnificent, by the way. I’ve heard lots of compliments about it.’

‘Rosie and Liam seemed happy with it.’

‘I’m not surprised. It looked wonderful and it was delicious too. You’ve always been a cracking baker.’

‘I learned at my mother’s knee.’

‘Back in the days when everything was made from scratch.’

Small talk. That’s all she and Stan ever managed, even when his days were numbered. Magda took a deep breath. ‘There’s something I’d like to talk to you about.’

‘OK.’ He looked round and smiled. ‘I’m all yours.’

If only that were the case. Magda swallowed, her unspoken words choking her. It was now or never – she couldn’t bear to think of Stan dying with her words never said. She couldn’t bear to regret her lack of courage on her own deathbed.

‘Well?’ asked Stan, warmth in his tired eyes. ‘Spit it out, Mags. I’ll need to go and sit down in a minute.’

‘Right.’ Magda glanced around to make sure she wouldn’t be overheard. ‘I have something to say. About us. Y-you know how much I cared about Penny.’

‘Of course I do. You were great friends – best friends – and I know how much you miss her.’

‘I do. But it’s not just Penny I care… cared about. I care about you too.’

Stan smiled. ‘I know that. You’ve been a good friend over the years, and I care about you as well. Especially when you bring me ice cream.’

He laughed and gave Magda a wink, but she remained stony-faced. She’d started now and had to finish what she’d wanted to say for so long. Always a careful woman, an unfamiliar recklessness was bubbling up inside her.

‘No.’ She shook her head. ‘What I mean is, I care about you, Stan. Really care about you. In fact, I think… no, I know—’ She swallowed again, hearing a buzzing in her ears. ‘I know that I love you. I love you, Stan, I do. I love you. I’m in love with you.’

For goodness’ sake! Not only had she said it, she’d said it several times. The unspoken words that had been eating her up for decades were definitely out in the open, and Stan now knew exactly how she felt.

She stared at him, blinking in the bright sunlight, and he stared back.