‘It might be nothing but just meet me there, will you?’ said Jack, handing back her phone.

Magda was still waving, so Alyssa nodded. ‘All right. Ten o’clock?’


Alyssa hurried across the grass, wondering why Jack was being maddeningly mysterious all of a sudden. At least he seemed to agree that the marks on the paper could be a map of Heaven’s Cove. Even if her theory about smugglers’ tunnels had gone down like a lead balloon.

‘So sorry to call you over,’ said Magda as Alyssa got closer. People were spilling from the marquee behind her, including Miri and Damian. ‘We need to get some tables cleared and moved to make more room on the dance floor.’

‘Of course. I’ll come and give you a hand.’ She glanced at Miri, who’d just sidled up to her.

‘There you are,’ said Miri, her eyes sliding from Alyssa to Jack, who was still sitting on the cliff edge, with his back to them. ‘We’re heading off because I have a headache, and I was looking for Jack, to say goodbye.’

‘He’s over there, getting some fresh air.’

‘Have you two made up?’ asked Miri, linking her arm through Damian’s.

Alyssa paused, tired of lying. ‘I think that Jack and I are getting on better than we ever have,’ she said carefully.

‘Are you seeing him again?’

Mind your own business. Alyssa smiled sweetly. ‘Yes, I am, tomorrow morning.’

‘I’m delighted to hear it,’ declared Miri, though her tight smile told a different story. ‘Well, it was lovely to see you again.’

‘You, too.’

Did Miri still love Jack or was she merely piqued not to be the centre of his attention? wondered Alyssa, heading back into the marquee. If she did still have feelings for him, perhaps witnessing the fake kiss with Jack that afternoon would give her the push she needed to give their marriage another go.

That was what Jack seemed to want and Alyssa would obviously be happy for him. She’d be delighted, in fact.

At least, that’s what she told herself, as she worked with Magda to clear tables and move them away from the dance floor.

But if that was the case, why did the prospect of Jack and Miri reuniting make her feel so unsettled?



Rosie and Liam’s wedding party was still going strong. Dirty plates and glasses had been stacked into crates, with the help of Alyssa and a couple of girls from the ice-cream parlour. But there was no end in sight to the celebrations. The dance floor was heaving, the music was loud, and it seemed that most of Heaven’s Cove were getting merry – Stan would sell out of paracetamol in the morning.

Magda waved at Belinda, who’d obviously had a few because she was making some very peculiar dance moves opposite her husband, Jim.

Jim and Belinda had been married for years, just like Stan and Penny. How Magda envied them.

She wouldn’t want to be married to Jim, nice as he was, and living on her own was usually tolerable and often pleasant. But in her heart of hearts, she missed having a close relationship with someone who loved her – someone who knew everything about her but loved her all the same.

Magda glanced at Stan, who was sitting in a corner with Jack. No one looking at him would guess how poorly he was. But she knew, and she couldn’t get it out of her head.

The years had taken their toll on Stan. But Magda, staring at him across the wedding marquee, remembered the man he was four decades earlier. She’d loved him then, and she loved him still.

How could she not tell him how she felt? Her resolve to stay quiet was disappearing as swiftly as the morning’s sea mist.

While she was watching, Stan got up and walked unsteadily out of the marquee onto the clifftop. Now was the perfect time to talk to him. But was she brave enough?

Alyssa’s words from the pub rang in her ears: I let my fear win… and I’ve regretted it ever since.

Time was running out for Stan – she’d thought of little else since his devastating news – and who knew what health calamity might befall her? Time was slipping through her fingers and the thought of going to her grave, not knowing if a brighter future had been there for the taking all along, was more than she could bear. And yet the prospect of telling Stan was terrifying because it risked their friendship that was so precious to her.