The whole of Heaven’s Cove was dancing. Or it appeared that way to Alyssa, who’d come out of the marquee for a breather.

She glanced inside the tent and smiled. The bride and groom were Gangnam-Styling in the centre of the dance floor, Rosie with the train of her long white dress tucked over her arm. Dozens of villagers were gyrating around them.

Everyone was happy and full to the brim with wine and cake. Even Jack was on his feet, after being dragged onto the floor by a young woman in scarlet whom Alyssa recognised.

She’d come into the shop three times during Alyssa’s last shift and had engaged Jack in conversation each time.It was plain the Lady in Red fancied the dour scientist and, watching Jack do a passable hop from foot to foot, Alyssa could understand why.

He carried a suit well, the cut accentuating his tall, long-legged frame, and his hair looked chestnut brown against his crisp white shirt. There was a hint of stubble on his chin, not that Alyssa could see the shadow from where she stood – she’d felt the slight scratch of it when they’d kissed.

She ran a finger across her lips, hardly able to believe she’d been so forward. Though the astonishment on Miri’s face made her impulsive action worthwhile.

‘Here you are! I thought I saw you making a run for it.’ Belinda had marched out of the marquee and come to stand beside Alyssa. She was dressed in salmon-pink from head to toe and carrying a diamanté clutch bag.

Alyssa gave her a smile. ‘I needed some fresh air and there’s plenty of it up here.’

‘An abundance, I’d say.’ Belinda took a deep breath, her bag twinkling in the sunshine. ‘Everyone seems to be having a good time.’ She gestured at the dance floor. ‘Though some people will have sore heads tomorrow, I dare say. I must admit that I’ve had a few. Free Cava is hard to resist. But what about you?’

‘I’ve been working, helping Magda with the food, and haven’t touched a drop.’

‘I don’t mean drinking. I mean are you having a good time?’

‘Yes, it’s a wonderful wedding and Rosie and Liam will be very happy together, don’t you think?’

Belinda glanced at the dancing couple. ‘Yes, I imagine they will.’ Her head swivelled back to Alyssa. ‘Only the reason I ask if you’re having a good time is that you and Jack seemed to be getting on well. Very well.’

And there was the reason for Belinda’s sudden appearance on the clifftop. She must have spotted the two of them in their fake clinch – which hadn’t felt fake at all.

‘He’s a nice man,’ said Alyssa, keeping her eyes firmly fixed on the spring flowers bending in the breeze.

‘A very nice man.’

‘Probably.’ Alyssa turned to Belinda. ‘Things aren’t always what they seem, you know.’

‘Oh, I do know. Heaven’s Cove is a hotbed of secrets, believe me. Even the bride has a few of her own, I reckon. But’ – Belinda drew an imaginary zip along her mouth – ‘my lips are sealed these days.’

That was unlikely, thought Alyssa, but it didn’t really matter. If people were gossiping about what she was doing now, at least they weren’t asking questions about her past.

‘Aren’t you going to have a dance?’ asked Belinda. ‘I see that Carey Wellings, who lives in that big house on the outskirts of Heaven’s Brook, has nabbed Jack, but you could always cut in. I believe they used to call it an “excuse-me”.’

Alyssa shook her head. ‘I’m tired after being on my feet all day so I’m very happy to sit this one out.’

Belinda tutted. ‘You work too hard. You need a nice young man to look after you.’

‘That’s not how it works these days,’ said Alyssa with a grin.

‘Oh, I know.’ Belinda nodded quickly. ‘Female empowerment, girl power and all that. I’m all for it. It’s been a long time coming. But it’s still nice, don’t you think, to have someone to share your life with? Anyway, I mustn’t hold you up when you’re in need of a rest. I’m off to have a chat with Stan. He doesn’t seem himself, and I noticed that he’s started using a walking stick.’

‘He’s tired too,’ Alyssa assured her, contemplating asking Bloodhound Belinda for her opinion on whether the marked paper from the old box could be a smugglers’ map. The woman had a nose for uncovering secrets, but her habit of delving into other people’s business made Alyssa decide to keep her at arm’s length.

‘Is there anything about Stan that I need to know?’ Belinda persisted.

Alyssa shook her head. ‘Definitely not.’

She wasn’t lying. Belinda didn’t need to know anything. It was up to Stan to tell people his devastating news as and when he wanted.

‘Hmm.’ Belinda didn’t look convinced. ‘Anyway, enjoy the rest of your day.’ Then she added pointedly: ‘You and Jack.’

As she bustled back into the marquee, Alyssa stole another glance at the dance floor. It was crammed with people having fun, including Jack and Carey Wellings, but what she needed was some peace and quiet. Some time to gather her thoughts and relax.