Miri wrinkled her nose. ‘You know. Myths and legends? Eek! And she doesn’t look your type, with her bangles and sandals and… unusual fashion sense.’

‘She’s a lovely person, actually,’ said Jack, feeling protective towards the woman who’d just saved him from total humiliation. ‘She’s kind and competent and her tours are entertaining. They bring the rich history of Devon to life. And, after all’ – he swallowed – ‘there’s more to life than scientific fact.’

‘Do you think so?’ Miri raised an eyebrow. ‘She is pretty, I’ll give you that.’

When Miri started drumming her nails on the café table, as she often did when thinking, Jack was reminded of how irritating this particular habit could be.

‘Actually.’ She stopped drumming. ‘If I’ve moved on with a new partner and you’ve moved on too, maybe you should meet Damian, seeing as you’re planning to still be a significant figure in Archie’s life, and Damian will be as well.’

‘I’m not sure meeting up would be—’ Jack began, but Miri cut him off with an imperious wave of the hand. He remembered she could be bossy at times, too.

‘It would be good for Archie’s sake. I mean, if Damian is going to share some of the parenting with you, it’s probably best that the two of you meet.’

Do you think? Jack could feel anger and despair bubbling up inside him at the thought of another man parenting Archie. What would Archie call him? Damian? Dad? Dickhead, maybe?

Miri sat up straighter in her chair. ‘I’ve had a good idea. Are you going to Rosie’s wedding, like me?’

‘Yes, I’ll be taking Dad.’ He shook his head. ‘Sorry, did you say you’d be at the wedding? I didn’t realise that.’

‘You and I were both invited.’

‘Yeah, but that was ages ago. Back when we were together.’

‘To be honest, I wasn’t planning on going, but Damian fancied a short break in Devon so I thought I might combine the two, as long as you weren’t going to be weird about it. And I’ve never got round to telling Rosie that I wouldn’t be there.’

When Jack said nothing, Miri continued. ‘The whole thing sounds very informal, with a marquee on the cliff and a buffet. I bet Rosie wouldn’t mind if I brought an extra. Then, Damian and I, and you and Alyssa could all sit together and be very adult about the situation. What do you reckon?’

I reckon I’d rather pull out my own teeth without anaesthetic, thought Jack but, instead, he answered with: ‘I’m afraid Alyssa’s not going to be at the wedding.’ He knew for sure she hadn’t been invited because he’d overheard her and his dad discussing the guest list in the shop.

‘Really?’ Miri sniffed. ‘Surely Rosie’s invited her now you two are an item?’

‘She did, but Alyssa has to work that day. She’s got tours to run. Lots of them. They’re very popular and she can’t, um… let her public down.’

When Miri slowly replied ‘Ohh-kay’ with a sympathetic tilt of the head, Jack’s heart sank even lower.She obviously doubted that the two of them truly were together. And why wouldn’t she? Why would she believe that a woman like Alyssa would be interested in a strait-laced scientist like him?

Miri sighed, closed her handbag with a snap and got to her feet. ‘Anyway, I’ve told you my news and I’d better be getting on. Perhaps Alyssa could join us at the wedding once her tours are done? I’d love to get to know her better.’

‘I’ll ask her but I expect she’ll be busy for most of the day.’

Miri stared at him for a moment. ‘I thought she might be, which is a shame but never mind. It’s good to see you, Jacky.’

She gave him a perfunctory peck on the cheek and walked away, without offering to split the bill.

Jack waited until she was out of sight before putting his head in his hands. That had not gone the way he’d expected. Not only was his ‘wife’ seeing another man, he seemed to have gained a new, very unwilling, girlfriend.

Reciting pi wouldn’t even touch the sides of this one.



What the hell was that all about? Alyssa hurried towards the centre of the village, past tourists putting on extra layers to protect themselves against the chilly wind blowing off the sea.

Miri, chic in her expensive-looking clothes, must be the imminent ex-wife. But why on earth had Jack implied to her that he and Alyssa were in some sort of relationship? No, he’d more than implied. He’d held her hand and almost crushed her fingers when she’d tried to pull away.

All she’d done was show him a glorious sunset and he’d gone all peculiar. Perhaps his science-y brain was overheating and about to crash.

Alyssa gently rubbed her palm across her cheek. It had been a long time since a good-looking man had held her hand. And although Jack was frustrating and had a very closed mind, it had felt nicer than she would have imagined.