‘He’s OK, considering. He’s older, sadder and more tired. That’s why I’m here for a while, to give him some support.’
‘Poor old Stan,’ Miri murmured.
‘You could always nip in and say hello to him. He’d like to see you.’
‘And I’d like to see him too but I’m on a tight schedule today.’ She pursed her lips and blew gently across her steaming coffee. ‘Also, it’s a bit awkward, isn’t it, with things being the way they are? I don’t think I’m Stan’s favourite person right now.’
Jack shrugged. ‘He’d be perfectly civil.’
‘I’m sure he would, and I’ll definitely see him before I leave Devon.’
How long was she intending to stay? They lapsed into silence, tempered by the lapping of waves against the quayside and a soft buzz of conversation around them.
‘So, Jack, what have you been up to?’ Miri asked when the silence started becoming awkward.
‘Work, helping Dad, that’s it, really. What about you?’
‘This and that. Work, Archie, you know.’
He nodded. ‘And your parents? Are they all right?’
‘Not too bad. Mum’s arthritis is playing up a bit and Dad’s driving her mad with his golf obsession.’ She straightened her skirt and brushed her hands over her knees. ‘Was it a problem, taking time off from your job to come down here?’
‘Not really. I had some time owing.’ Jack swallowed. ‘Why did you want to see me?’ He wanted to get to the nub of why they were both here, and making small talk was excruciating. ‘Why have you come to Heaven’s Cove? I know you don’t like the place. We could have talked on the phone, or I’ll be back in London soon enough.’
‘I know, but I was in the area anyway and I wanted to tell you something as soon as possible.’
Jack was suddenly aware of his heartbeat sounding in his ears. Was Miri about to say she’d changed her mind? He stared at her, a vision in black with the blue sea behind her.
She leaned forward, running her tongue across her lips. ‘The truth is…’ Her hesitation was killing him. ‘The truth is, I’m seeing someone, and I didn’t want you to hear it from anyone else.’
Jack hadn’t been expecting that. He sat back in his chair, feeling winded and stupid. Of course Miri was moving on with her life – while he was stuck. Stuck here in Heaven’s Cove with a dying father.
‘Has Archie met him?’ he managed.
The faint blush on Miri’s cheeks flared brighter. ‘Yes, a few days ago. We waited until we knew our relationship was serious.’
Our relationship. Jack was aware of a queasy feeling spreading upwards from his stomach.‘It got serious pretty quickly, then.’
‘Mmm,’ said Miri, vaguely, as Jack had a sudden realisation.
‘That’s why you told me Archie was busy the last time I called him.’ Jack’s laugh sounded hollow. ‘The house guest you mentioned was actually your…’ What should he call him? Boyfriend? Partner? Lover? ‘Anyway, you didn’t want Archie to speak to me in case he mentioned him.’
‘As I said, I thought it was best that you heard it from me first,’ said Miri, her face now pale and expressionless. ‘And I didn’t want to have to ask Archie to keep secrets.’
‘What’s his name?’
‘Does it matter?’
When Jack nodded, she sighed. ‘All right. His name is Damian and he’s a computer programmer.’
Damian? What kind of Omen-y name was Damian? And how nerdy was a computer programmer? thought Jack, his mind whirling.
About as nerdy as a research scientist who sees scattered light rays rather than the wonders of a sunset.
‘I’m so sorry, Jack.’ Miri reached across the table and put her hand on his arm. ‘I know you’re still very upset about us splitting up, and now there’s Damian for you to contend with. I feel so sorry for you and—’