Alyssa’s bright eyes met his. ‘Troubled.’
‘That’s my usual expression these days.’
‘I did wonder if you were wrestling with some baffling scientific dilemma?’
She smiled, but he stared back stony-faced, not in the mood for her ribbing. ‘Nope. I was watching that boat set out to sea.’
‘Oh. Right.’
An uncomfortable silence stretched between them. She was probably regretting coming down to check on him, thought Jack, feeling guilty for taking out his bad mood on someone who was only being kind.
When he turned to her, they both started talking at once and both stopped.
‘You first,’ said Jack.
Alyssa pulled her cardigan tightly around her body. ‘I was just going to say that I’m about to climb the cliff and watch the sun set from Driftwood House.’
‘Nice.’ Jack flapped his hand at a fly that was buzzing around his head.
‘You could come with me, if you like.’
Jack ignored the fly and gave Alyssa his full attention. ‘To see the sun set? Why?’
Alyssa grinned. ‘Because it’s what people do. Every day, all around the world, thousands of people watch the sun set, simply because they can. It’s glorious, especially on a clear day like today. Trust me.’
Trust her? Jack stared into her eyes. They were a peculiar shade of bluey-green, he realised. The colour of heated copper chloride.
‘But don’t worry if you need to get back to your day,’ she added, looking away.
Jack did need to get back to his father. But first he needed time to assimilate his father’s latest news. News that had set off an earthquake beneath his feet.
Perhaps Alyssa’s sunset would do the trick, seeing as reciting pi had failed miserably.
‘Yeah, I’ll come with you,’ he said, glancing at his watch.
Soon the sun would dip below the horizon and then he would go home to his father and say the right things.
‘Oh. Right. OK.’ Alyssa sounded surprised, as if she’d never truly believed he would agree to go with her. ‘Let’s go then. I’m glad I asked you.’
Was she? Jack wondered, as she set off at a cracking pace. Or was she already regretting her rash invitation?
Sunsets in Heaven’s Cove were magnificent. Alyssa wiped hair from her eyes and tried to focus on the panorama of colour that was splashed across the sky. Which was hard when Jack was standing close, arms folded and his mouth set in a thin line.
She should never have invited him to come up here with her. She never would have suggested it if he hadn’t looked so upset. But now he was here so she’d better make the best of it.
‘Look at that. Don’t you think it’s amazing?’ she said, with as much enthusiasm as she could muster.
Jack squinted at the sky, which was burning red as the sun slid ever closer to the sea. Tendrils of orange and pink scored the heavens above them and, far below, the sea was a shimmering silver.
‘Such glorious colours,’ whispered Alyssa, feeling overcome with emotion. ‘It’s so beautiful, doesn’t it almost make you believe in magic?’
‘No.’ Jack sounded puzzled. ‘It’s quite a sight but there’s nothing magical about it. The colours are a natural phenomenon caused by the sun being low and rays of light being scattered. That means your eyes are more able to see sunset colours, such as red, orange and yellow.’
Alyssa sighed.