Page 18 of Hidden Hollywood

“What do you think?” Josh asked.

“Beginner,” she said, figuring she could find her way back quickly if she needed a fast escape.

He blew out a breath and wiped his brow in an exaggerated gesture of relief. “I was hoping you’d pick that one. I’m not much of a hiker and I’d hate for us to get lost on our first date.”

She studied him. “Do you think there will be a second date?” Some part of her wanted more than one date with Josh even though she knew it was impossible. She could only play at a normal life. And she needed to be sure he understood so no one got hurt.

He flashed a charming smile, his brown eyes sparkling with humor. “I guess you’ll let me know after the first date.”

“I thought you weren’t looking for serious.”

He stopped smiling. “I’m getting the feeling you don’t want a second date.”

“It’s just that I’m really busy at work and not looking for a relationship.”

“Ah.” He looked away.

Shit. She hadn’t meant to…did she hurt his feelings? “I’m sorry—”

“Hey, I know the deal.” He met her eyes again, all traces of humor gone. “One date.”

Now why did she have that awful ache of loneliness again? Like they were already saying goodbye. She forced herself to stay in the moment. “Yes. One fun date. I’m having a really good time.”

“Good,” he said. “Me too.”

She reached over and snagged his free hand. He gave her a slow, sexy smile that sent warmth all the way through her, down to her toes.

They started down the beginner’s path together. The dirt-packed trail was wide enough to fit three people across. She had to admit it was relaxing to be with a gentleman. Most guys were aggressive with her, wanting something, either a favor for their career or something physical. She hadn’t felt this comfortable with a man since she’d catapulted into the spotlight.

“So tell me what keeps you so busy at work?” he asked.

She had her story ready. “I just went out on my own and I’m working to build my client base. Half my time is working with clients, half marketing.” She knew a lot about personal trainers given her close friendship with her own personal trainer, Marsha. Of course, Marsha was paid big bucks to talk to her while she pushed Claire to stay in top condition. Most people she talked to were in her employment.

“Sounds ambitious,” he said.

“I can be. But then I realized I needed to get off the hamster wheel and just let loose.”

He grinned. “I’m with you on that. It seems we met at a perfect time for both of us to let loose.”

“What do you do for fun?”

“Hang with the boys. Flirt with the pretty girls.”

She caught his playful leering grin and shook her head with a smile. “Who are the boys?”

“My brothers and the blood brothers I grew up with.”

“Blood brothers as in you did one of these?” She let go of his hand and mimed slicing her finger and pressing her two fingers together.

“More like we beat the crap out of each other until we knew who stood where in the pack. Lot of bloody noses.”

“Like dogs.”

“Pups. We were pups.” He snagged her hand again. “My dad’s a cop and he put us in the Police Athletic League, where his friend coached, because the five of us Campbell boys were acting out. We went a little nuts because…well, for a good reason. Anyway, we were quickly toe-to-toe with some kids who were acting out on a whole ’nother level. I mean really bad. They called themselves the Lost Boys, but after much fighting, the Campbells joined forces with them.” He shook his head, smiling in memory. “Our coach, Chief Bailey, made us change the name to the Found Boys because we found each other and that meant we’d never be lost again.”

Her heart squeezed. “That’s really nice. And you’re all still close?”


“How old were you when you first became friends?”


“And you’re what now?”


“That’s unusual to have a close group of friends from that far back. How many are there?”

“Me, four brothers, plus Mad—she’s one of the guys—and five blood brothers, so that’s eleven. There used to be a sixth blood brother, so we all matched up, six Campbells, six Found Boys, but we lost one.”

“You mean—”

“He died.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry.”

“Thanks,” he said solemnly.

She stayed quiet, not wanting to disturb his moment of remembrance.