Page 46 of Hidden Hollywood

She fluttered a hand in the air. “Oh, no. I’m not an actress. This is my first time.”

He gave her a panty-melting smile that was even better in real life than on the big screen. “I’ll show you the ropes,” he said with a wink.

She turned back to her friends, jaw dropped, silently communicating with wide eyes, Can you believe this?

“We gotta go.” Claire pulled Hailey a distance away, calling over her shoulder, “Thanks, Blake.”

Hailey pulled her elbow out of Claire’s grip. “I wasn’t done talking to him.”

“I told you he only wants to talk to women he thinks he can sleep with. You deserve better than that.”

Hailey dug her heels in. “I’m sure that’s not true. He seems friendly, flirty, and nice.”

“Just trust me.” Claire leaned close. “He’s an asshole.”

Hailey looked over Claire’s shoulder to where Blake was…omigod! He was smoldering at her, Hailey Adams! She couldn’t believe Blake Grenier, star of Neighborly Attraction, Pilot Games, and River Crush, was an asshole. He was everything every girl dreamed of—a sexy neighbor, a charming pilot winning the war and the girl, a down-home country boy oozing sex. Not to mention a swoony billionaire from her very favorite books of all time, the Fierce trilogy. She was not missing this chance to get up close and personal.

She stepped around Claire and returned to Blake, who was still getting touched up by a makeup lady. It couldn’t possibly be true that he wouldn’t speak to her if she wasn’t going to bed with him. That was ridiculous. Did that mean he only talked to one person ever? The person he was about to bang?

“I have a boyfriend,” Hailey announced, a small white lie to explain (in a classy way) that she was not available for sexy times with him.

Blake raised an eyebrow. It was kind of forward, he hadn’t asked if she was single, but Hailey needed to prove Claire wrong. Blake Grenier was not that kind of guy.

“But I’d love to chat with you some more,” Hailey said. “Have you read the Fierce trilogy books? What made you take the role? How much do you think you’re like Damon?”

Blake ignored her, instead flirting with the makeup lady.

Hailey fumed. He was an asshole. She whirled on her heel and returned to Claire and her friends.

Claire took one look at Hailey and said, “Don’t take it personally. Most of the men I meet are like that.”

Hailey’s eyes widened. That sounded horrible. She spoke in a low whisper just for Claire’s ears. “Then I’m glad I set you up with Josh.”

Claire grimaced. “Yeah.”

“How did it go last night now that he knows who you are?”

“I was honest and told him I couldn’t see him again.”

For some reason, Hailey felt more sympathetic toward Josh than Claire. It was the first time Josh had actually liked someone enough to want more than one date, and Claire left him out in the cold just because he wasn’t a big movie star. So few people were big stars, really, and Josh had his good points.

A woman rushed up to Claire and whispered in her ear. Claire frowned. The woman showed her something on her cell phone. Claire flushed bright red before snapping, “Tell her I’ll call her back. I’ll take care of it.”

The woman rushed off.

“What’s wrong?” Hailey asked.

Claire pulled Hailey aside to a quiet corner of the space. “Someone talked to the press about me secretly dating Josh. The headlines are saying Damon and Mia split. It’s royally fucked things for the movie. I can’t believe this. He said he wouldn’t say anything. My publicist is freaking out.”

“I can’t believe Josh would do something like that.”

She scowled. “Somebody did.”

“I swear it wasn’t me. Or anyone from book club. We would never do that to you.”

Claire rubbed her temple. “I know. I’m not blaming you. It had to be Josh. Tell him to meet me tonight, same place, same time. I need to lock this down before it gets too far.”

“Of course. I’ll text him right away. Don’t worry about a thing. I’m sure no permanent damage was done.” At Claire’s shiny eyes, Hailey rushed on. “This is fixable, and I’ll do whatever I can to help with your good publicity efforts. Just say the word.”

Claire shook her head. “I’ve got the best publicist in the business, and a lawyer if it comes to that. Just get Josh to show tonight.”

“On it.” Hailey texted Josh. She knew she wouldn’t hear back immediately. He usually worked afternoon to evening and wasn’t glued to his cell like most people.