Page 43 of Hidden Hollywood

He turned and left without a backward glance.

She nearly collapsed from the awful guilt and longing. “Goodbye, Josh,” she said to the empty room.

She dashed at an errant tear, squared her shoulders, and went out the back entrance to her private suite. Alone again with her silent shadow trailing close by.

Chapter Ten

Hailey was in her glory. The women were bonding, giddy with excitement as they got their hair done together at her favorite local salon Looking Styling, though now that she thought about it, Armand should try Hair Cuts With Happy Endings. She was bringing him a lot of wedding business, and now the Happy Endings Book Club. Later today they’d show up on Claire’s set and play extras in the corporate party scene. Hollywood, here we come!

“Sorry, Hails,” Armand said when she suggested the new name. “You’re Happy Endings, and I’m Styling. You can post another flyer with your new club name by the front desk if you want.”

“Okay, I will.” She knew better than to piss off her hairdresser. They had a sacred bond. No one touched her hair except Armand.

There were three salon chairs for hair and three more chairs in the back for manicures. Everyone was rotating through. Even Mad, who looked peeved that she had rollers in her short hair.

“You’re going to look so cute,” Hailey called to Mad.

Mad glared at her.

Hailey smiled over at Julia getting her nails done. She wouldn’t be joining them in the extras scene. She just wanted to visit the set.

Hailey found herself thinking about that business dinner with Jake again. It bugged her how much she thought about the end of that date. One hot gaze didn’t make up for the fact that he was a boring braggart. Okay, he smelled good, but any guy wearing that aftershave would’ve smelled good. And she’d felt nothing when she saw him at basketball. Weird how chemistry worked—on, off. So fickle. She knew from her professional matchmaking skills that it took far more than simple chemistry to get a relationship off the ground and build it into something special. Just look at Julia and Angelo. They had palpable chemistry, but it was their solid friendship that would help them go the distance. It seemed you really couldn’t have one without the other for a long-lasting relationship. Of course, that made her think of Mad and her guy friends. She wondered if any of the other book club ladies had guy friends. If they did, she’d encourage them to explore if there was more there. Friends to lovers seemed to be the way to go.

Armand finished the blow-dry. Her hair fell in artful layers with a nice wave at the ends. He took the black smock off and looked at her in the mirror. “Gorgeous,” he declared, admiring his work. Hailey smiled, agreeing one hundred percent with his magical styling skills.

“Thanks, Armand!” Hailey said, standing and giving him an air kiss near his silver hoop earring. His own hair, dark brown with blond highlights, was perfectly tousled in a carefully careless style. He understood about not mussing hair and makeup on important occasions.

She made the rounds, checking on her friends in various stages of highlights, blow-dry, and nails. She stopped by Charlotte first, who was getting some auburn highlights in her long dark brown hair. “You have any guy friends?” Hailey asked.

Charlotte raised a perfectly shaped brow. “Nope. No woman does.”

“Of course they do. Julia and Angelo were friends. Me and Josh are friends.”

“Nope,” Charlotte said. “If a guy wants to be your friend, it’s only because he’s getting warmed up for the next step.”

Hailey huffed. “That is definitely not true.”

She went over to Julia, getting her nails polished sangria red. “You and Angelo were good friends long before you got together, right? Charlotte says guys never want to be just friends. That’s not true, right?”

Julia flashed a smile. “Angel and I wanted each other from day one, even if we didn’t act on it.” At Hailey’s frown, Julia went on. “But I’m sure there are some people capable of a platonic relationship.”

Hailey nodded vigorously. She turned to the group. “Anyone here have a guy friend?”

All of the women said no, except Mad, who said, “Tons. I like guys better than girls.” She looked around sheepishly. “Except you guys.”

Some of the women laughed; some grumbled.

“What’re you thinking in that pretty head of yours?” Armand asked Hailey from where he was now supervising the highlights in Charlotte’s hair. “You looking for a new way to set up your girls? Friends to lovers?”

“Hush,” she said. Armand was always one step ahead of her.