Page 4 of Hidden Hollywood

The nearly empty bottle made its way around the circle to her.

“Eat the worm,” Hailey said.

Claire stared at the curled-up disgusting worm at the bottom of the bottle. What kind of crap tequila was this anyway? She’d never seen a worm in the tequila bottles at any of the parties she’d been to. Must be some kind of off brand.

“You eat the worm,” Claire returned.

A rare silence fell over the usually chatty group.

Hailey’s blue eyes held a challenge. “Eat the worm and I’ll drop the date thing.” It suddenly occurred to Claire that Hailey wasn’t all pink fluff and determined cheer. There were claws.

Claire had never backed down from a challenge. She grabbed a nearby empty water glass, poured the tequila out, and snagged the worm with two fingers. Someone gasped.

It was so mushy. She felt queasy.

Hailey narrowed her eyes.

Claire tilted her head back, opened her mouth, and—

Threw it at Hailey.

Unfortunately she missed and it landed on the floor in front of Hailey, who scooped it up and stood, holding it high in the air. “Behold the worm of fate!”

“Eat it, eat it,” Mad chanted.

Hailey threw it at Mad, who quickly tossed it at Julia. The women shrieked as the worm got tossed around like a gross potato before it finally landed on Charlotte, a personal trainer, who had no qualms about picking it up and tossing it in the trash.

“The worm of fate is heading to the dump,” Claire said with a laugh, hoping that was the end of this date nonsense. The women laughed along with her, except for Hailey, who looked determined to help Claire.

“Chill,” Mad said to Hailey. “Geez, you look like a nutty general staring her down like that. You can’t make someone go on a date. It’s a free country.”

Hailey’s gaze never faltered.

Claire grabbed the water glass with tequila and took a swig. “So your plan is to send me into the woods alone with some strange guy?” she asked in the tone of duh, serial killer.

“It’s not some strange guy,” Hailey said. “It’s Josh.”

Claire’s natural curiosity won out. “Who’s Josh?”

“Mad’s older brother,” Hailey said, hitching a thumb at Mad. “Actually I don’t know if that’s a selling point.”

“Ooh! Dagger to the heart!” Mad exclaimed, miming a knife to her heart and then making dramatic, jerky death throes before collapsing to the floor.

The women applauded. Claire too. Mad lifted her head with a grin.

“Ha-ha,” Hailey said. “Mad, please don’t tell Josh who Claire really is.”

“Why would I do that?” Mad asked. “Claire’s my friend.” She raised a fist, leaned over, and gave Claire a fist bump.

“Because he’s your brother,” Hailey said in an exasperated voice.

Mad rolled her eyes. “Hey, if he wants to go on a bunch of blind dates set up by you for the idiotic reason of making you jealous, then he deserves what he gets.”

“That’s ridiculous,” Hailey said, smoothing her hair. “Josh and I have an understanding. He’s part of my business plan.”

“Moron.” Mad stood. “Excuse me while I take a wiz.”

“My Lord, it’s like she was raised by wolves,” Hailey muttered.

“Just about,” Mad said and headed to the private bathroom on the far side of the lounge.

Hailey gestured for Claire to come closer. Claire shook her head and got woozy. She might’ve had a swig too many with her spit sisters.

Hailey huffed. “Fine! I’ll tell everyone. I’ve never had any complaints from the women Josh takes out. They all say he’s a perfect gentleman and never makes a move.” She paused, a puzzled expression on her face. “That’s weird, isn’t it? Now that I think about it. Why doesn’t he make a move?”

“Maybe he’s gay,” Charlotte said, stretching out her long legs. “All the hot ones are.” She turned to Claire. “He’s a bartender at Garner’s back in Clover Park. Majorly hot.”

Hailey flushed. “No, he’s definitely not gay.” Her brow furrowed as she continued the conversation with herself. “Not one of those women ever appealed enough to make a move? Unlikely. I’d better call and find out what’s up with that.” She grabbed her purse and headed out of the lounge.

Claire suspected there might be something to Mad’s theory that Josh only took the women out to make Hailey jealous. That would explain why he kept the date platonic. Besides, if he was majorly hot, why would he need to go on blind dates at all?

Claire took that opportunity to get the bag she’d stashed behind the bar with all the signed Fierce Longing books. She headed to the table on the far side of the room and stacked all the books. “I brought you ladies a present. Signed by me and Blake. After Julia signs them as Catherine Cliff, they’re all yours.” That was Julia’s pen name.