Page 37 of Hidden Hollywood

Josh went to the kitchen. “You want something?”

“Nah.” He grabbed the remote and turned up the volume.

Josh returned a few minutes later with a plate of reheated meatloaf and mashed potatoes. He ate pretty good from takeout at Garner’s. They watched the game in silence until a commercial came on and Josh nudged him. “Hey, I got something that’ll get your mind off weird Jenny.”

“I didn’t say she was weird. Just something weird about her.”

Josh shoved some meatloaf in his mouth and chewed before saying, “Ty told me he’s doing motorcycle stunts in the movie Fierce Longing. He’s stoked. The other guy got injured and they called him in last minute. Anyway, they’re filming not far from here. You know the Fierce trilogy? Mad’s really into it.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard some women talking about it.”

“Guess who’s in it.”

Jake let out a breath. “I don’t know. Just tell me.” He didn’t keep up with celebrity gossip.

“Claire Jordan.” Josh slowly shook his head, a goofy smile on his face. “She is smoking. Did you see her in Neighborly Attraction or Pleasant Town?”

“Sound like chick flicks.” He stared at his brother. “You watch that shit?”

“Blue Haze?”

His mind flashed to a killer bod streaked with dirt. “That spiked bikini? Hell. That was hot.” It was a post-apocalyptic movie and she’d played a reckless gang leader in a steamy desertlike future where everyone wore rags and metal. That bikini was something. He didn’t remember a single thing she said in the movie. It was all about the way she moved.

“Ty invited me for lunch on Tuesday,” Josh said. “It’s a closed set, but we can meet him at craft services. You want to go? Maybe you’ll get to meet Claire Jordan and be like Jenny who?”

Yeah. He wished he could forget Jenny that easily. But what else was he going to do? Mope around, pining for Jenny. “Sure.”

Josh finished his dinner and texted Ty, who got them on the security list.

That gave Jake the whole next day to work remotely and try not to think about Jenny. He was dealing with the latest crisis with their proprietary technology on the black market in Tanzania, which should’ve kept him focused, but his mind kept drifting to the puzzle of Jenny. He started thinking maybe she was married. Maybe she had a different last name. Maybe she used to be a man. All kinds of crazy shit came to him. But he knew she was all woman. It had been dark, but everything had been in the right place, and her responses were pure feminine bliss. Dammit. She was driving him nuts.

The next day they showed up at noon and were shown to an outdoor eating area with a couple of long tables tucked under some white tents. A palatial stone mansion sat in the distance, surrounded by acres of manicured lawn. A marble fountain in the center of a circular driveway added to the old European feel. Cool place to film.

Ty met them as soon as they cleared the security gate, striding toward them in a black leather jacket and jeans. “You made it!” Ty exclaimed, giving them both a hug with a lot of pounding on the back. “Not easy to find this place in the sticks.”

Josh grinned. “I’ve got an internal GPS. Anything good for lunch?”

“Yeah, we got sandwiches and meatball subs,” Ty said. “Come on.”

They headed to the tents where the crew was eating. He and Josh helped themselves to meatball sandwiches. They always preferred hot food to cold.

They settled at the table with Ty, who introduced them to some of the crew—camera guys, lighting, sound, and a couple of people from wardrobe.

Josh leaned across the table to Ty and whispered, “Will we meet Claire Jordan? Or Blake?”

Ty shook his head. “Nah. They don’t eat at this craft services. They have gourmet meals brought in for the upper level. We’re second tier.”

Jake raised a brow. Sounded snooty. Too big to eat with the little people.

They were halfway through lunch when a hush fell over the group.

Ty whispered, “Claire Jordan.”

Jake looked up to see the Claire Jordan standing at the other end of the table, talking to some of the crew. A large man hovered nearby, probably a bodyguard. She was smoking hot in a white leather jacket, navy skirt, and matching heels. Dark brown hair fell to her shoulders. She was made up, but not overly so, her skin flawless and glowing. Probably her costume for the movie. He’d read a little about the movie on the way here. She played a librarian that tangled with a billionaire tycoon in a dangerous game of corporate espionage. He knew he was staring, but he couldn’t help it. There was something about her, something so familiar. He’d only seen her in that bikini movie and his focus hadn’t been on her face. She looked completely different as a librarian. Her gaze caught on his briefly, and all of his senses heightened, goose bumps on top of goose bumps, a visceral response to the flash of recognition that shot through his brain. He did know her. He knew those eyes, the cheekbones, the straight nose, those full sweet lips. This was Jenny. His Jenny. It had to be. Or Jenny had an identical twin. Shit. Twins switching with twins? Unlikely. It had to be her.