Page 3 of Hidden Hollywood

Hailey’s voice rang out, firm and confident. “Claire, I can help you.”

Claire straightened, suddenly wary even in her buzzed state. The moment she’d been dreading ever since, well, since she’d discovered the leader of the book club had motivations beyond sharing a love of books.

“Here we go!” Mad exclaimed.

The women tittered. Hailey’s serious I mean business face was a little funny—the l-o-o-ove business. Two swigs of tequila made it tough for Claire to keep a straight face. Hailey’s business card had silver embossed bells and read Hailey Adams, Love Junkie, for crying out loud! Not funny, not funny.

Hailey pinned Claire with a determined look. “It’s no secret that you’ve been with Hollywood royalty. And I think you’d enjoy a regular date with a regular guy.”

Claire cocked her head and got a little dizzy. This was new. Usually Hailey just urged Claire to get back out there. She’d never been so specific. She wondered who the regular guy was and what he did that was so regular.

Before she could ask, Mad piped up. “How do you expect her to do that? She can barely leave the hotel without starting a riot.”

Reality hit. In her tequila-soaked happy place, she’d been thinking impossible things, like she could actually have a regular date as her old irreverent down-to-earth regular self. Did that person even exist anymore? Some part of her feared she’d played the glamorous Claire Jordan so long she might’ve lost herself.

“I’m super busy, Hailey,” Claire said politely, ending the date conversation. “Thanks, though.”

“Are you still off on Monday?” Hailey asked as if Claire hadn’t just ended the conversation. “I’m thinking a hike with a picnic.”

Hailey knew Claire’s schedule because the women worked around it for their book club meetings, which Claire was humbled and grateful for. She put in long hours as producer, director, and lead actress on the Fierce movies through her production company Red Jewel Films. Claire bit back a sigh. This was a dangerous idea, even if she secretly longed for something as normal as a hike with a picnic. Some of her favorite memories were of camping in North Carolina when her dad was stationed there for the army. Still, Hailey had to realize this plan had a ton of flaws in it.

“Impossible,” Claire stated with great finality. Ending the conversation.

Julia spoke up. “A disguise could work. It’s just like those stories when someone royal wants to feel what it’s like among the commoners.”

Claire shot Julia a dark look for encouraging Hailey. “That’s not fair to my date. What if he actually liked the person in disguise and then it turns out to be a lie?” That was what happened in all those princess and peasant stories. And, boy, would that guy be pissed and likely take his revenge out in the press. She’d barely recovered from the last PR nightmare that had soured her on men. Last year she had to take her egocentric manwhore ex to court for taking nude pictures of her when she was sleeping (after mediocre sex) and selling them to the highest trashy bidder. She suppressed a shudder at the memory. The risk of exposure would never be worth any picnic.

Hailey framed a dreamy vision in the air like she was the director. “Picture this. You’re in disguise as regular girl Jenny Coleman. I suggest a redheaded wig. Josh has a thing for redheads.” She flushed bright pink. “He once told me that.”

Claire clamped her mouth shut over the natural question that sprang to mind. Who’s Josh? It didn’t matter who Josh was because this date was not happening. And too bad about the redhead thing because she was a brunette for this movie. Normally she was blonde.

“You’re a redhead,” Julia said to Hailey.

“She’s strawberry blond,” Mad said in a chirpy impersonation of Hailey. The women snickered. She really did sound like Hailey.

Hailey shot Mad a quelling look, which Mad responded to by blowing her a kiss.

“Thanks, but no thanks,” Claire said firmly. She could already see the headlines that would ruin her movie buzz—Claire Jordan splits with costar Blake Grenier to sneak off in disguise with secret lover! Damon and Mia break up! (Damon and Mia were their characters’ names in the Fierce movies, and they still had two more to film.) Or some catchier but equally damaging headline.

She’d never get to have normal. The book club was as close as she’d get. She got all mushy, taking in her new friends. Their friendship over the last month meant so much to her. They eased the empty ache of loneliness she used to desperately try to fill with parties and work and shiny people. She was saved from the dopey, “I love you, guys,” on the tip of her tongue when Hailey ordered, “Someone pass the tequila to Claire.”