Page 35 of The Author

“You take it how I give it to you,” he snapped at me.

I held my position and hoped he would cum quickly.

He was like a machine I felt his balls slap against me each time he drove inside me. His intensity scared me, and I was relieved when his breathing became heavier. I bit my lips so I wouldn't make a sound. I feel him rub my pussy as he grunted from exertion. I released my lips and groaned as I felt the tension in my body. I came when he slammed himself deep inside of me as he pushed his fingers inside of my pussy.

“Fuck,” he panted out and pushed his fingers deeper inside of me as I cried out and felt myself clench down on him.

I gasped for breath as my orgasm took over. My heart was pounding so fast I thought I was having a heart attack, or it could be that his massive body was squashing me. I closed my eyes just as I felt him cumming inside of me. He held himself inside of me until he was done. He groaned before he lifted himself off my back. I couldn't move even if I tried. My legs felt like jelly. I felt him clean me up before he pulled me off the table. When my legs gave way, he grabbed my arms and lifted me up in his arms and carried me upstairs. I held onto his shirt and inhaled his fresh scent.

He smelled so good.

I snuggled in closer and let my eyes droop down.

Chapter 22


I lay her on the bed and noticed her eyes were still closed. Either it was a long day for her, or I’d fucked her into a coma. I covered her up before pulling her higher up on the bed, so her head would be on the pillow. I didn't want her to have a stiff neck or shoulders when she sucked my dick in the morning.

I went back downstairs to get her book. She had earned it.


On her third day of acclimatisation, I gave her my phone to message her mum. I needed the woman off my back. I watched her type away on my phone as she defended the ‘work’ she was doing. She apologised for not being in touch and told her she would message her once she had cleared up her schedule.

Faye hadn't asked about her book release.

Both of our books have been successfully launched. I emailed both of our publishers and agents. It wasn't difficult since I had access to her email account. I hadn’t replied to her mum in case I said the wrong thing and fucked everything up. For once, I wasn't stressed or anxious about how my book would be perceived. All my focus has been on my lovely lamb, Faye.

She never spoke, she happily read books, and she helped me in the kitchen. We had fallen into a daily pattern, and tonight, I was going to push for more, again.


I went into her bedroom a little past eleven pm. She was sprawled on the bed with a book in her face. I stood there looking at her for a moment. I felt pleased with not only her progress but also how I felt about having her in my space.

She peered over her book to give me an inquisitive look.

I locked the door and walked in, holding my pillow.

“I missed my little lamb,” I said, watching her face.

Her eyes widened in surprise, and she put the book on her chest. I walked up to the bed and put my pillow down before slipping under the covers. I reached out and pulled her closer to me. She was tense for a couple of seconds before her body relaxed against mine. She put her book to one side and snuggled closer, resting her hand on my chest.

I leaned over and switched the light off before she could see the triumphant grin on my face. I closed my eyes, thinking how fortuitous it was that she could suck my cock as soon as I woke up in the morning.

I hadn’t considered that little perk.


When I woke up, the little minx was lying on top of me. I stroked the scar on her cheek and felt my chest tighten. I didn't want to lose her. My mind went back to my angry, lonely existence prior to Faye. I carefully pushed my shorts down, knowing exactly how I could keep her bound to me. She made things easy for me in her sleep as her legs were sprawled over mine.

I spat on my fingers before rubbing it over the tip of my cock. I held her ass and moved my cock between her legs. Her heat encased my morning wood. I manoeuvred my dick at her entrance and slowly pushed upwards until I began to sink inside her hot little pussy hole.

I kept my eyes on her face as I rocked my hips back and forth until, inch by inch, her tight cunt surrounded me. I held her ass and kissed her neck. When I felt her pussy loosen up slightly, I began to fuck myself in and out of her. She let out a sigh before sinking downward on my dick. As she began to stir, I used her ass to move her up and down on my cock.

“Such a good little lamb taking my cock in your sleep,” I growled in her ear as she jerked awake.

She lifted her head, and I smiled the moment it dawned on her she was lying on top of me, impaled on my dick.