Page 27 of The Author

I hadn’t realised how tense I had been until my entire body relaxed at her answer. She was over thirty. Of course, she would have had relationships, which shouldn’t have bothered me as much as it did.

“Are you sure you want them out? The skin won’t have healed yet and might be uncomfortable,” I said while tucking my phone back into my pocket.

She nodded her head eagerly.

“Are you sure you can keep your trap shut?” I asked just for the sake of being a dick.

She scowled at me and went back to massaging my feet.

“Take my socks off,” I said as the socks hindered my enjoyment.

She rather viciously yanked my socks off. I kept my eyes on her, but she didn’t look up at me. I covered my mouth at her show of pique.

Perhaps keeping her locked up in the bedroom was a good idea. I had a feeling that if she got her hands on any kind of weapon, it could end badly for me. I leaned back in the chair, enjoying the feel of her hands gliding along the soles of my feet again. She changed position and put my foot on her lap. I gaped at her for a second. I had to give it to her she was putting in all her effort.

When her small hands wrapped around my ankle, she used both hands to pull down from my ankle to my heel. I sank further into the chair. She was damned good at this. When the unsettling feeling of getting caught ran through me, I pushed it back down again. I fully intended to utilise all the time I had left with her. No one would miss me for weeks.

I watched her massage my foot thoroughly until she moved the other onto her lap. Her breasts peeked through the long strands of hair, making me look down towards her pussy, but her legs were closed.

“Do you need anything from the shops?” I asked without thinking.

Her eyes shot up again. She let go of my foot to mimic brushing her teeth. I clamped my mouth down to stop myself from laughing at her. Her eyes narrowed on me, but my eyes fell on her mouth. Her lips looked dry. I frowned and mentally added some Chapstick to the list of things I needed to pick up.

I may need to give her a day or two before fucking her mouth. The thought made me angry.

Since when did I take her comfort into consideration?

I pulled my foot off her lap and got up off my chair. Ignoring her, I stomped barefoot towards the door before slamming it shut and locking it. I momentarily glared at the wooden door before turning towards my room to get ready to leave. At least this time, she couldn’t plan the great escape. I paused mid-step before returning to her door, pulled the key out and secured it in my bedroom.

Fuck me. I was beginning to get paranoid.


While I was driving to the supermarket, my phone began to ping non-stop. I almost stopped the car to check the notifications, but I wanted to get what I needed and return home to check on my little prisoner.

Once I reached the supermarket, I waited as someone reversed out so I could take the spot. When they got too close to me, I honked the horn.

“Fucking use your rearview mirror, you stupid cunt,” I shouted.

Once parked, I unbuckled my seat belt and took my phone out. There were numerous messages and emails from Graham and Tom. Just as I was about to open them, voicemail messages appeared.

I opened Tom’s first as he had the most. I started with the oldest ones first. The more I read, the sicker I felt. I ran through his emails next, confirming the text messages. There sat a new contract in my favour, waiting to be e-signed.

I opened Graham’s messages next, which were just waffling on about how he got me a great deal and what we could do next.

The only thing I could think of was being arrested. I felt the blood drain from my face. The whole world would know what a deeply sick fuck I was. Not only in my books but in real life. My reputation would be in tatters, and I’d be in jail. The thought of my competitors laughing at me made me want to puke.

I considered the options of keeping Faye, but none of them seemed fair or viable for a long-term scenario. Deep inside me, I knew I might seriously hurt her if I thought I could get away with what I had done.

No. Murder was a step too far.

I put my head in my hand and groaned.

My only option was to use her fear to my advantage and let this situation play out. I could only try to use whatever I could in my arsenal to fuck with her head. First, I needed to ensure no one reported her missing.


Chapter 17