“I believe death isn’t as final as what we can see from here,” Jamys says. “Especially for gods.”
Tap, tap, tap go the stones. The gods are gone enough not to care that Ceraunos worship them reverently. It would be rude to say, though. “Well then, fashion and religion aside, Alchos has always been a kingdom with magic, and Ceraun without.”
“That’s going to change anyways.”
Right. With our little magical heir. What a lovely picture we will paint. We’re already the type of story to inspire songs—a perfect match by all accounts. The fair prince with the honey-colored hair and the magical princess, strengthening the alliance and making beautiful little blond heirs. To be king and queen of both kingdoms would wrap it all up rather nicely. The world at our fingertips. It’s what any girl would want. It’s what I should want. Sitting here with Jamys, I’m certain I’d be perfectly content with that life.
I shrug. “I suppose so.”
“Whatever happens, we’ll manage.”
Jamys would be the perfect person to have by my side for it—grounded and calm and experienced in preparing to inherit a kingdom. Not that it matters. He might understand my concerns over having so much responsibility thrust upon me, but I can’t tell him how I’d be tortured by having to rule here and sit across from the next Lord of Highbluff in meetings.
I swallow back the discomfort from even thinking about it.
No, tomorrow’s announcement will not be the start of my rise to queen.
Chapter eight
Wind bounces between my palms like a ball under my steepled fingers. To the outside observer, I appear to be standing bolt upright, but if it were possible to lie down vertically, that’s what I’m doing. A hardened but pliant wall of air conforms to my back so I can relax against it. Rylan pretends to read a book on the other side of the sitting room, though he hasn’t turned a page in a while, and the twins sit opposite each other on a settee, waiting for today’s events to commence.
Jamys comes in and greets me with a smile. “Your people are in for quite the surprise today.”
“We like to keep things exciting in Alchos.” Even with my hands hovering near the brown leather straps where my gown cinches below my breasts, his gaze never slips to the exposed skin down the middle of my chest. He is either the definition of self-control, or more uncomfortable with the differences between our kingdoms than he lets on.
Or he prefers men. Wouldn’t that be a delightful twist in our marriage.
His mother very thoughtfully gifted me quite a few Cerauno gowns. To maneuver between appreciating them and rejecting the idea of wearing one today was a skillful dance. Oh, I wish I could, but I must look Alchosian whilst telling the kingdom I may be the next queen. I’ll have to wear them for our dinners during their extended visit, though.
The season is going to feel like an eternity. Perhaps if I’m disqualified from the trials early, they’ll leave.
“People will look at you differently when they know you may be queen,” Jamys says, much too kindly for someone whose departure I just fantasized about. “They’ll watch you more closely. Not that you ever step out of line, but I wanted to warn you: being the heir has a different kind of pressure about it.”
I press my lips together in a tight smile. “You do a wonderful job of it. You’d be an invaluable support to me if I become my mother’s heir.” It’s true. But his assumption that I’m perfect anyway twists my stomach.
“It would be an honor to help you in any way I can.” He kisses my hand before departing to take his place with his family.
Rylan puts down the book and crosses his arms. “Is he lusting over Father’s throne?”
“He isn’t acting too eager in front of me. Are you ready to act like you aren’t furious about all this?”
“I’ve come to terms with it. The people will love me more for having earned the crown. And perhaps these trials will be fun.”
Nina and Marcus share an annoyed look, and I tilt my head. “Are we certain Ossana doesn’t have some magical ability? Getting you to settle down is far more impressive than anything I can do.”
Ry rolls his eyes, but his cheeks flush slightly. His disappearance yesterday did not go unnoticed.
“Is the cabin still standing, by the way?” I cannot resist the opportunity to embarrass him. “Releasing that level of stress must have come with a decent earthquake.”
He narrows his eyes. “Nina is my favorite sister again.”
“It’s just that I had a nice pair of boots there.”
“Go to hell, Ara.”
“I love you, too.”
Mother enters and clears her throat. “Shall we?”