“Brett,” she moaned, tossing her head back and forth. “More.”

She read his mind.

Her hands clung to his hair, and she rolled her hips against him. He slid a finger inside her, crooking it just right. She whimpered and rocked her hips, seeking the release they both knew he could give her, so he thrust two fingers inside her, hitting the spot that would send her hurtling over the precipice.

“Brett!” she cried out, her body convulsing around his fingers.

Fuck, but he liked the sound of his name on her lips as she came.

Dropping her weight back down to the bed, he positioned himself at her entry…and froze. Condom. He didn’t have a fucking condom.

Why would he?

He hadn’t come here expecting to get laid.

“I don’t have anything,” he said, his whole body tense with the knowledge that this wouldn’t happen. Shaking, he started to withdraw from her legs. “We can’t do this.”

She grabbed his hips and met his eyes. “I’m on the pill. And I’m clean. I haven’t…I’ve never done this without protection before. Have you?”

“I haven’t, either. Ever.” He gritted his teeth, his gaze locked on hers. “Are you sure?”

She nodded. “Yes. Now.”

Leaning down, he pressed his lips to hers. Slowly, with reverence, he slid inside her warmth. Her arms and legs closed around him, pulling him tight against her. And then? He realized there was nowhere else he wanted to be but here. With her.

He’d been foolish to fight it for as long as he had.

She was his.

Chapter Ten

Anna clung to Brett, her mind reeling and her body willingly at his beck and call. She couldn’t believe after years of dreaming and wanting…this was actually happening.

He withdrew, and then moved inside her again.



Her heart quickened, and she wrapped her legs around him, never wanting to let go. To leave this moment, in his arms, in his bed. She needed to feel every inch of him moving on her. Around her. In her. Growling sexily, he sped up the tempo and reached between their bodies.

When he pressed a thumb against her wet flesh, holding it there without moving, her whole body tightened as if every single nerve were lit on fire for him with that one simple touch. It was the perfect amount of pressure to send her spiraling down over the edge again. And she had a feeling she’d never come back up.

“Brett,” she moaned, squeezing her eyes shut and gasping for air.

“Come again for me.” His breath on her ear only brought her impossibly closer to the edge. “I need to feel you tighten around me again, Anna. My Anna.”

Her heart seized at the way he said that.

He captured her lips again, his tongue thrusting inside her mouth in tune with his body. She tore free of his kiss and bit down hard on his shoulder, trying to stifle the cries erupting from her, but she couldn’t stop them altogether. And then, with earth-shattering clarity, she burst into millions of pieces, and the world ceased to exist.

Through the fog of pleasure, he cried out her name and thrust one last time, claiming her so thoroughly she knew he would never fully be gone. She’d always had him there, in the back of her mind, but now he’d never leave.

She’d never be without him again.

This might be nothing more than a moment of weakness to him; for her it was both an end and a beginning. It marked the end of their time together, for he would more than likely withdraw from her as soon as he came back down to earth, and the beginning of a long, lonely life knowing how good they could have been together.

No other man would ever be able to take his place after tonight.

He lifted his weight on his elbows. Tenderly, he brushed her hair back off her cheek. His eyes glowed with what could only be described as happiness, and he smiled down at her. “Maybe I shouldn’t have fought so hard to keep my distance after all.”

Well…he didn’t look as if he were seconds from running away.

Maybe, just maaaybe…no.

She couldn’t let herself go there. Couldn’t let herself hope for something that would never happen. She’d asked for a night, and he’d given her one to remember, so she wouldn’t ruin that by asking for more. “I’m so glad we had a chance to connect this way. It was…it was everything I dreamed of, and more.”

He blinked down at her, his brow furrowed. “You make it sound like you’re saying good-bye.”

“I…” She pursed her lips. She hadn’t expected him to want her to stay. Maybe she misread him after all. Maybe he wouldn’t push her away. Her heart sped up at the thought and she shrugged—as well as she could with Brett on top of her, anyway. “I thought you’d want me to leave right after…?”