Anna threw her hands up. “Calgon, take me away.”

“I’m not Calgon, but soon enough we’ll be on our honeymoon in Bermuda,” Brett said, already picturing crystal waters, blue skies, white sands, and Anna in a bikini. The best part about that image? “And we’ll be completely, perfectly, utterly alone.”

Anna looked into his eyes, giving him the look that never failed to make him throw her over his shoulder and carry them into their bedroom when they were alone. “Sounds heavenly.”

Wyatt cleared his throat. “If you two are done having eye sex in front of us, can we get the games started? Does everyone have a partner?”

Cole shrugged. “I don’t, but I’ll find someone.”

“He always does,” Wyatt said, his smile directed at Cole. “There’s always a woman waiting for him, even though he sends them all running after one night.”

“As if you’re any better?” Cole snapped.

Wyatt’s smile melted away, and he advanced on Cole. “At least I don’t screw them and then—”

Eric rolled his eyes. “You two are being ridiculous. Back off.”

When Anna wrung her hands and started toward her brothers, Brett stepped between them. “Okay. Enough of this. No fighting on Anna’s weekend. No making her upset. This is her time to shine, and you won’t fuck it up. If you do, then you’ll answer to me…and this time I’ll be the one throwing the punches. Got it?”

“Yes, sir.” Chris grinned and rocked back on his heels, while the rest of them all grumbled and stalked away.

When it was just the three of them, Brett looked at Chris. “Is there someone who you can set Cole up with for the games? Preferably someone who won’t end up in his bed, and then later on attack him when he’s standing at the altar?”

His best friend, and best man, cocked a brow. “I’ll see what I can do.”

“Thanks,” Brett said. “Whoever you pick, warn her off first, though.”

Chris snorted and left.

Once they were alone in the foyer again, Brett opened his arms, and Anna stepped inside them. “Thank you,” she said, rubbing her nose against his chest and taking a deep breath. “They’re ridiculous sometimes.”

He shrugged. “Yeah, but they’re family. If we can just manage to keep them from killing one another for the weekend, the wedding should go off without a hitch.”

“They weren’t this bad at Chris’s wedding.”

“That’s because they were all ready to kill me. It diverted the attention from one another.” He kissed her head. “I can’t say I miss that sort of attention.”

She chuckled and rose on tiptoe, kissing his chin. “Me, either. Now let’s go have some fun.”

“In your room?” he asked hopefully.

She rolled her eyes. “Nice try. To the three-legged race, of course.”

He groaned, but followed her obediently like the whipped man he was—and he loved every second of it. “Do I have to?”

She stopped walking and spun on him. Tugging him by his tie, she urged him to lean down to her level. Nose to nose. “If we win without falling, I’ll let you do anything you want to me in bed tonight.”

He cocked a brow at her, acting calm even though he was already plotting exactly what he would do to her. “That’s an empty promise. You already let me do that.”

She tapped her finger on her mouth. “Hmm. Remember what we discussed last week, after watching that raunchy movie?”

He racked his brain. “Uh…?” Something that got him hot and bothered for her…not that that was any different from any other day. Something about ties…and…and… His eyes widened. “Fuck, yeah, I remember.”

She nodded, her plump mouth tipping up into a mischievous grin. “If you do this for me, I’ll let you do that to me. All of it.”

Desire slammed him in the gut, and his fingers flexed on hers, and he dragged her toward the backyard. “Let’s go get this race done. And don’t you dare fall.”

“I won’t.” She laughed. “But if I do—?”

He swept her into his arms, drinking in her musical laughter. Unable to look away from her. She smiled up at him, her eyes shining with love and happiness. Did she realize how much she meant to him? How happy he was with her? He hoped so.

He kissed the tip of her nose. “If you fall, I’ll catch you, of course. You caught me before I fell, and you never let go. Thank God.”

“And I never will,” she promised, smiling up at him.

And the crazy thing was, he believed her. After years of believing he was better off alone, and that he would never be happy like everyone else in the world…