Christopher stiffened and looked at the table. Actually looked at the table, as if she might be telling the truth. He needed some serious help. He finally looked back at her, his gray eyes even darker than they’d been before. “I’m not amused.”

Brett choked on another laugh, then quickly cleared his throat to hide it. Christopher swung a murderous scowl in his direction, but Brett stood next to Anna without any signs of fear. That’s one of the things she loved about him. He’d always treated her as an equal, rather than a weak little girl. “Your mother misspelled my name, and Anna doesn’t want her to see. It’s not a big deal.”

Christopher raised a brow. “Mom didn’t even do—”

Someone snatched the place card out of Anna’s hand, and she gasped and faced the betrayer. Wyatt looked down at the paper, his brow furrowed. When he glanced back at Anna, his blue eyes were somber. He ripped off the section where she’d drawn the heart and handed the rest of the place card back to her.

“She put an extra T. Problem solved.”

Anna looked at Wyatt in silent gratitude, then held the card out to Brett. He gave her a small smile. But his gaze held on to hers for longer than she expected. Long enough that she feared he suspected the truth. His fingers brushed hers gently, and she trembled at his touch.

If only he felt the same undeniable attraction she did.

The rest of the family crowded into the dining room, and Brett set the card back at his spot. As everyone conversed and caught up with one another, she stood in the corner and poured herself a glass of pinot. If tonight was any indication, she would be drinking a lot of wine over the weekend. Like, a lot.

Wyatt came to her side. “Drinking already? That can’t be a good sign.”

She watched Brett talking to her mother, laughing and being open and cheerful. It was all a lie. Not once did he smile his real smile. He seemed to be putting up a front with them—wanting them to think he was ecstatically happy.

But…he wasn’t.

Instead, he was on autopilot, doing the things that were expected of him and nothing else. The only time she’d seen him actually look alive was when he’d been threatening to take the card from her.

How many times had they wrestled growing up?

And she’d never won.

Not once.

She’d give anything to lose to him again.

If only Christopher hadn’t come in.

“Yeah, well”—she lifted her glass to him—“cheers.”

Wyatt followed the line of her stare, obviously not having any problem figuring out who she watched. “You need to cool it. You’ll have everyone else on his case if you don’t stop mooning over him.”

She took a long drink. “I’m not mooning over him. God, who even uses that phrase anymore?”

“So you just drew a heart because you think he’s a nice guy?” He rolled his eyes. “Don’t delude yourself into thinking I’m the only one who knows how you feel. They all see it—and eventually, so will he…if he doesn’t already.”

Her hand tightened on her empty glass. Brett turned around and caught her staring. His green eyes were bright as he winked at her. She turned her back on him, her heart picking up speed. “I’m not in love with him anymore. I was just being silly.”

“He doesn’t like you like that, and he never will. You—”

“Stop.” She set her empty cup down with a loud thud. “I’m fully aware of all of this. You don’t need to worry about me.”

“I hope not. Because if he hurt you”—Wyatt tightened his fists and stared over her shoulder—presumably at Brett—“I’d have to kick his ass.”

She tucked her bangs behind her ear, checking in the mirror to make sure nothing looked out of place. If she looked to the left, she could see Brett talking to her father. He held a glass of whiskey loosely in his fingers. “Please. We have enough testosterone flying around. Cut the guy some slack. He’s probably the last man who would hit on me in this room.”

“Somehow I doubt that,” Wyatt said, frowning.

Anna rolled her eyes. “You just finished telling me he would never want me, but now you turn around and say he’s gonna sweep me off my feet? Make. Up. Your. Mind.”

“A man doesn’t have to be right for you to crawl into your bed for some fun.”

Anna flushed. “Believe it or not, I’m aware of this fact. I’m not a virgin.”

“Jesus.” Wyatt shoved his fingers in his ears. “Don’t tell me this shit.”

“One time in college, I—”