Anna fought the urge to roll her eyes.

Come on.

When Brett stepped within two inches of her, one or all of her brothers surrounded them within seconds. But this guy gave her some corny pickup line, and she was on her own. She shifted away from his hand, seeking out one of her brothers.

None of them was watching her, more than likely because Brett was nowhere near her. Turning back to her companion, she offered him a tight smile. “I would never outshine the bride.”

“You might not want to, but you will.” He scooted closer, leaning toward her. The scent of stale smoke and vodka swept over her, and she shuddered. Gross. “It’s not possible for you to be in another woman’s shadow. You’re too pretty.”

She clenched her teeth. If he didn’t back off, he’d see how hard she could prettily kick. Glancing across the table at Brett, she found him glaring at the guy next to her.

Oh, so now he decided to notice her.

How very typical of him.

Boys didn’t want their toys until someone else showed interest. And men were just boys in adult clothing, who could drive and have sex.

She took her napkin off of her lap and threw it on the table.

“I’m going to go get a drink.”

“I’ll accompany you.” The man started to stand up. “What are you—?”

Anna placed her hand on his shoulder, shoving him back down on his ass hard. She smiled to make up for the push. “No, you stay here. Save my seat for me?”

“Of course.” His eyes flitted over her body as he smirked. “I’ll be waiting right here for you.”

“Greeeeat,” she said, letting her voice go all soft.

She neglected to tell him he would be waiting a hell of a long time, because she wasn’t coming back. When she turned away from him, she let her smile slide away. She was done with men for the night.

She’d grab a glass of wine to go, then escape to her room.


“Anna,” Brett fairly growled from behind her.

She almost jumped out of her skin. How had he sneaked up on her so quietly? “God, you scared—”

“What did that asshole say to you?” he asked, his tone hard.

She shrugged and looked past Brett at the guy in question, trying to ignore the tinge of anger creeping through her blood. The other man watched her with lust in his eyes. Yeah, so not happening, buddy. “Nothing. He just told me I was pretty and—”

“What?” His face flushed red with anger, and his entire body looked tense enough to snap at the slightest touch. “I’ll fucking kill him.”

She forced a calming breath.

In and out, really slow.

Don’t kill him in front of everyone.

“It’s not like he knows you were in my bed last night, Brett. We didn’t exactly broadcast it to the entire world.” She crossed her arms. “And believe it or not, other men do find me attractive.”

If she wasn’t mistaken, Brett growled at her words.


He deserved to be a little jealous right now.

She walked away from him, leaving him standing there glowering at her back. If he wanted to push her away after their amazing afternoon together, then he would get what he wanted. And on top of that, she would ignore him.

Let’s see how he likes that.

“I know men are attracted to you,” he said from behind her, catching her elbow and spinning her around. “I’m not an idiot.”

Maybe not, but right now he was acting like one.

She closed her eyes for a second and then opened them.

Cole sat a few feet away, watching their exchange with far too much curiosity. He elbowed Eric, and they whispered back and forth—their eyes zeroed in on Brett with deadly accuracy.

Well, great. Just what we needed.

More attention on us.

She tried to pull free of his hold, but he didn’t budge. “You have to let me go. They’re watching.”

Brett looked at Cole, raised a perfect brow, and turned back to her as if he hadn’t a care in the world. And he didn’t release her arm. “Then let them watch. I don’t give a flying fuck. Why were you flirting with him?”

“Flirting?” she practically shouted. “If you think that was flirting, then I retract my previous statement. You really are an idiot. He hit on me, and I left. That’s it. What’s wrong with you?”

“You smiled at him,” he said, his voice hesitant and his forehead furrowed. “And you asked him to save your seat. I heard you.”

“You mean you heard me as I left him behind, so I could get away alone?” she said through clenched teeth. “Because that’s what I did. I got rid of him. Plain and simple.”

“Oh.” He relaxed and dropped her elbow, letting out a little laugh. “I see.”