Oh God.

She’d slept with Brett.

And now she was alone in bed.

He’d woken up and left while she slept.

Leaving her alone in his room.

Even now, he was probably panicking about what she was thinking. He was probably regretting asking her to spend the night with him, and was coming up with the perfect thing to say to let her down easy.

He shouldn’t have bothered.

When she’d agreed to spend the night with him, she was fully aware that it didn’t mean the same thing to him as it did to her, and that was okay. She’d gotten to spend a night in bed with him, and that was enough for her. It had to be.

She wouldn’t ever get more than that one night.

Taking a deep breath, she sat up and slid her legs over the edge of the bed. She needed to get out of his room. The sheets smelled like him. She wanted to stay in his bed forever, but she couldn’t be found in the wrong room. Someone might get the wrong idea and think something worth noting actually happened, instead of what actually happened. Heck, she wasn’t entirely sure what happened last night yet.

Had it been his drunkenness talking to her last night…or his supposed honesty? It had to be the former, especially since he fled before she woke up. She stood up and headed across the room, but froze. There was a piece of paper on his pillow.

Heart racing, she crossed the room and picked it up.

AI’m sorry for last night.


She crumpled the piece of paper in her fist. What the heck was his apology supposed to mean? Oh, it didn’t matter anyway. The message was clear enough. Hurrying across the hall to her room, she locked the door behind her and leaned against it. She needed to get ready and go downstairs, but first?

She needed a freaking second.

Closing her eyes, she relived the way he’d felt pressed against her body, but then she shook that feeling off, because she’d never experience it again. Squaring her jaw, she dressed hurriedly and went downstairs an hour later than she usually did. Everyone was outside in the backyard, busily setting up a few things for the wedding that would take place in two short days. She still couldn’t believe Chris was the first Hamilton child to be getting married. Out of all of them, she would have bet every penny she owned he would be the last one to commit to another person.

Which is why you don’t gamble.

Heading for the Keurig, she brewed a cup of coffee and tapped her fingers on the table as she waited. Footsteps approached her from behind, and she looked over her shoulder. Of course it would have to be Brett.

Might as well jump in with both feet, Anna.

“Good morning,” she said without turning around, her voice far too chipper and happy sounding. She flinched and faked a cough. Forcing a calmer note into her tone, she smiled at him. “How are you feeling this morning? Got a killer headache?”

“I’m fine. I told you, I wasn’t drunk.”

Wait. He’d been serious? So he asked her to sleep with him…while…sober? What did that mean? “You’re serious.”

It wasn’t a question, but he nodded anyway.

“Wow.” A small laugh escaped her. “Okay.”

“Last night was…” His brow furrowed as he thought. In the silence, she mentally finished his sentence for him. A mistake. Wrong. A bad idea. “…nice.”

“Uh.” Out of all the things she’d expected him to say this morning, especially after that note, that was pretty much last on the list of possibilities. “Yeah.”

He dropped his hands and offered her a sheepish smile. “Is it going to be weird between us now?”

Yes. “Because we slept in the same bed? Please.”

He blew out a breath and reached around her. “Good.” His arm brushed against hers, and he handed her a poppy seed bagel—her favorite. “Here you go.”

She took the bagel out of his hand. “Thanks.”

Their fingers brushed up against one another, and she stiffened. The simple touch reminded her how heavenly it felt to be in bed with him last night. She’d lain awake most of the time, evening out her breathing so he’d think she was asleep. After a while, he’d scooted close, wrapped his arms around her, and buried his face in her hair.

God, it had felt good.

He dropped his hand back to his side and backed away from her. “You should eat now. I have it on good authority you’re going shopping with your mother in a few minutes. She wanted to wake you up, but I held her off with my charming smile.”

She forced a smile in return. “Great. Can’t wait. I’ll eat now, then.”

“I’ll let her know you’re up.” He started to leave, but stopped after a couple of steps. He turned back to her. “Anna?”