He raised a brow. “Then yes, I’m sticking with it.”

“Will you dance with me this weekend, for old time’s sake?”

“I only dance when we’re alone,” he said, his voice husky. “You know that.”

She licked her lips, and for some reason, he couldn’t look away from her mouth. “We’ll have to find the time to be alone, then, won’t we?”

Was it just him, or was she flirting with him? She was trying to get him killed. If her brothers heard her, or thought he had any intention of taking her up on her offer, he’d be a dead man. Smiling, he tried to think of something neutral to say. “I’d—”

Someone cleared his throat.

“Incoming,” Cole said, warning in his voice.

“Is that Brett?” a familiar voice called out.

“Yeah.” Brett forced his eyes away from Anna and back where they belonged—on his best friend. Who would kill him if he flirted with his baby sister. “What’s up, man?”

“Nothing much.” Christopher grinned and bounded forward. His gray eyes were remarkably similar to Anna’s, but his hair was a darker blond. Anna stepped back when Christopher enclosed Brett in a tight hug, slapping him on the back in that way that men always did to show affection. “Just getting married.”

“And you haven’t run yet?” Brett asked with mock horror, holding a hand to his chest.

Chris rolled his eyes. “Give me some credit.”

“Yeah, what was I thinking?” Brett pursed his lips. “You wouldn’t run until after the bachelor party.”

Christopher laughed. “Who would’ve thought I’d be the first one to get married? I mean, come on, I’m only twenty-seven. Cole, you better get a move on before you go gray.”

“Not likely,” Cole said. He smoothed his brown hair and stepped forward. “I’m thirty-three—not dead in my coffin. I won’t get married till one foot’s in. Maybe not even then.”

Brett tipped his head to the side. “You know…I think I already see a little bit of gray in your hair.”

“Yeah, right.” Cole gave him an indignant look—but then looked in the mirror hanging on the wall to make sure he was actually kidding. “Fuck you, asshole.”

Brett burst into laughter. It was so easy to slip back into his role as the sarcastic best friend. He’d been dreading come back to this town, but it felt good to be here with these people who cared about him.

It felt like home.

Wyatt clapped him on the back. He had lighter hair than the rest of the men, blue eyes, and was almost thirty. “It’s good to have you back. It’s about time someone else gave Cole shit besides me.”

“Looking good, Brett,” Eric Hamilton, the second-oldest brother at thirty-one years old, said. He had the same brown hair that Cole did, but his eyes were an odd mixture of gray and blue. The startling effect had always made Brett uncomfortable. “Nice suit. That Armani?”

Brett rubbed the back of his neck and shifted on his feet. “Yeah. Thanks, man.”

Eric nodded once.

“Gray’s your color.” Cole stepped forward. “It’s been too long since you’ve come home.”

He lifted a shoulder and didn’t meet the other man’s eyes. “Been busy.”

“Too busy for family?” Wyatt asked.

Family. Brett’s gaze wandered to the left side of the living room. His old home stood on the other side of that window. He shrugged and forced a smile, tearing his attention away from his past. “Companies don’t run themselves.”

Christopher raised a brow, silently calling him out on his bullshit, but otherwise kept his silence.

Brett cleared his throat. “So, where’s the lucky bride?”

“She’s upstairs.” Anna stepped forward. “I’ll take you up to meet her if you want, and then show you to your room.”

Christopher’s brows lowered, and he leveled a hard look at Brett. Brett just stared back, completely unsurprised at the warning in his stare. It was a well-known fact that Anna had always had a crush on Brett. Just as it was a well-known fact that Brett wasn’t allowed to act on it, even if he wanted to. He might be a ruthless businessman now instead of a gangly teenager, but even he wouldn’t go back on a blood promise.

“Brett?” Anna asked, blinking at him. “You want to meet Nina?”

“Yes. Of course.” Brett cleared his throat. “Lead the way.”

“Follow me,” she said, her voice light and flirty.

As usual.

“Gladly.” Brett stepped aside to let Anna walk past him. She started up the stairs, her hips swinging with every step she took. Looking at the rest of the Hamiltons, he raised a brow. “I’ll catch up with you guys in a few?”