Page 34 of Trapped By Pirates

I felt more than heard the words. The depth of hatred every syllable carried made my hearts pound faster. The deafening stomps were growing closer, and it seemed we were nowhere nearer to the bloody caves.

"We won't make it," I whispered to myself. Realization hit me. If we kept at this speed, the Konda would reach us and kill us. I yelled out to Engèli.

"Grab Kianga, now!"

I shot forward, wrapped my arms around Corellis, slammed her close to my chest, and shot through the trees at full speed. Engèli grabbed Kianga and kept close to my heels. We flew like our lives depended on it. Before I knew it, with the lingering hiss of the Konda King in tow, we reached the peaks and plunged into the mouth of the caves.

Chapter 18

Facing the Konda King


"Yakobba!" Corellis squealed as I raced through the darkness of the caves.

"I've got you, Corellis. Hang tight."

Engèli and I flew hard, racing across the caves. We followed the columns until we reached an underwater pool. The bed of the pool was littered with precious gems.

I didn't blink twice at the opulence. I was focused on one thing.

Getting alluniem.

My six hearts strained with the force of the flight, but I couldn't stop. The caves were quiet. Peaceful. One could almost forget it was the home of the Konda King.


Corellis gripped my arms. I felt her hearts racing. She trembled against my chest. I heard her heavy breathing and smelled the sweat dripping down her skin.

I fought my arousal at having her pressed so close to me. I shook my head and flew harder. Distractions now would only get us both killed.

"Corellis, I need a favor."

"What do you need, pirate prince?"

"I prefer Captain Ashthorn."

"Yeah? And I prefer not to be hunted by monsters that shouldn't exist."

My nostrils flared, my eyebrows climbing. I squeezed her waist. I smiled in triumph at her small squeal.

"Prissy little thing. You've picked a good time to find your tongue."

Corellis stiffened in my arms.


I howled, our flight dipping, nearly sending us plunging into the waters below, as pain shot up my knee from where she'd kicked me. For an Ayella so small, she could kick really hard.

"Bloody hells," I wheezed, my leg throbbing. I snapped my wings to force our flight straight again, curving through the massive cave.

"You okay, Cap?" Engèli asked.

"I've got a pretty damsel in my arms, needing me to save her, my good friend. I've never been better."

Engèli howled with laughter. Corellis hissed. Her body shifted. I had just a moment to move my legs, before she slammed both her feet into empty air and cursed, slamming my arms with her webbed hands.

"And she also has a temper!"