Page 3 of Trapped By Pirates

"Payè will suffice, Corellis."

My nostrils flared. I fought down the flood of panic choking out my waterflow, hindering my ability to breathe. It wasn't often he used my middle name. Not since the queen was given to the sea in the Azizien Rite.

"I may be king to Azizi and her angels. But to you," King Bakari pointed a finger at me from the grip still holding his goblet. "I remain, Payè." He tilted his head, still analyzing me, noting my reactions. My response. "Promise me you won't forget that, hm?"

The surrounding water stirred, chilling my body. I breathed it in, letting the ripples pour through my gills, into my lungs, and then through my veins. I was as cold as an iceberg and loving it. Finally, I felt myself relax.

"Yes, payè," I nodded, reaching for my goblet. "I won't forget."

I gave him a sheepish smile, drinking some of the seawine. Blessed seas. It was delicious. A sweet citrus taste with a sparkling tingle danced on my tongue. I licked my lips between sips while fluttering my wings. They moved the surrounding water, causing a flitter of bubbles and small waves. I blinked at the noonfast feast before us, thinking of how to bring up what I really meant to talk about. King Bakari had a full dawn of meetings with his Ministraithe, but canceled them all when I urged the importance of him eating with me this dawn. I didn't want to waste his time.

At the edges of the garden, around the entire circumference, floated the Au'Pearl Seaveillers. Some specifically attended to me, while the rest were payè's personal guards. The Seaveillers of the king were fearsome brutes. Sea-carved machines born and bred for war. Which I couldn't understand, since Azizi was a peaceful nation with no enemies. When their leader, Seaveiller Alaika, caught my attention with her brooding blue and green eyes and scowled, I looked away. That one was never happy. Seeing a smile on her face would be a miracle.

Through my peripheral, I looked at King Bakari Ezrathen Au'Pearl, my payè, and the Azizi kingdom's fearsome, but beloved, king. As big as he was intimidating, perched in the oversized shellchair, he returned to filling his plate with fish, sea crackers, chilled shells and iced seaweed, patiently waiting for me to get to the point.

I swallowed, trying to find my nerve. I could do this. This was my payè. I could ask him a simple question. This was no big deal.

Except, this was a big deal.

I tried to prepare for whatever reaction he would give. But I still wasn't ready. I sighed, using my coralsticks to push my food around my plate.

"Spit it out, Corellis," he said, eyes still on his plate. "What ails you my dayè?"

I worried my bottom lip, pushing around karraba bites, until I finally spilled.

"I would... Well. I’d like a... quiet riseday this cycle." Playing with the karraba bites, I avoided eye contact. "Just me and you. Maybe even Kianga. Nothing fancy or crazy. It won't require much planning and?—"


The rest of my words dried on my tongue, turning to soot. I didn't even get to finish.

I blinked at him.

King Bakari looked at me with those inquisitive, intelligent eyes piercing into my skull. He hadn't won, and kept the throne for as long as he had by being a fool. It suddenly dawned on me. In the prolonged silence, he'd guessed why I had summoned him, even before he arrived. He flattered me with his presence, but his mind was already set before he'd even sat down. I could feel my hope deflating with each passing moment.


The note in his tone was final.

"But payè, I?—"

"A quiet riseday," he cut in. "You've never asked for such a thing before. You always looked forward to your birthday celebrations. But now you want quiet." He raised a brow. The infinitesimal scales lining his brown skin reflected the shifting colors of the sea in the low light. "Why, Raeshelle? Why do you ask this of me now?" He took a sip from his seawine. "What is it you really want?"

"Payè." I looked him in the eyes, searching for any hint at him budging on his decision. "I want what I said. Something quiet. Something private. I'm older now and don't want all the pomp and noise. I don't want a big celebration?—"

"You're lying, and you know how I feel about such behavior." He pulled himself up to sit straight, shaking off karraba juice from his short, pristinely filed claws. "Tell me the truth or you'll find yourself locked in your chambers for the next mekàd."

A month of isolation? He couldn't be serious. I barely got to go anywhere of my will as it was. Mandatory isolation would be hellish. I straightened, flattening the bunching lines in my well-endowed gown.

"I don't want to go to the Atlanthyst Trench," I blurted out. I bit my bottom lip, fidgeting to keep from leaping out of my seat and swimming away.

"Ah." King Bakari sat back, analyzing me with a shrewd gaze. "Now we reach the searock of it."

Payè looked away, his crown catching the sea's reflection in its jewels. I admired the collection of rare coral and gems interwoven with seavines made of pure gold and starcrystal. King Bakari was as handsome as he was powerful, and feared, above all angels who lived beneath the Mistwind Seas. Azizi was a thriving kingdom because of him.

I traced the features that caused Queen Audriana to say yes to King Bakari. Then he scowled, eyes glued to the sea, and I saw all the reasons I secretly wished she had said no.

"Raeshelle Corellis, my dearest princess."