Page 18 of Trapped By Pirates

Unbidden, I felt my body moving, as if pulled on an invisible chain. I floated back in and found Queen Rekani perched on a floating couch of gilded clouds, sipping on a mug of tea. Mamè patted the seat beside her, still sipping as if she hadn't been interrupted. I shuffled over, tucking my wings close.

"I am not your payè, Izayi." Her eyes found me above the ring of her mug. "Free your wings."

I loosed a tight breath, releasing my wings. I flexed them wide, so they hung loose behind the cloudchair, sprawled all over mamè's rugs.

"You've grown. But not so much. The stubbornness hasn't left your jawline yet," she mused, eyeing me from the corner of her eye.

This dawn, her wavy hair was worn loose, tumbling past her hips, pooling onto the couch. She looked like a youngling straight from her primary cycles. Everything about her was ageless, except for her shrewd eyes. I chuckled at her observation and look her in the eyes, feeling safe, and wholly loved.

"I miss you often while at sea."

"Yet you don't call me or write to me."

She watched me in amusement as I fidgeted beneath that gaze that saw more than she'd ever tell. I opted not to say anything. The sea princess crossed my mind, and I nearly jumped out of my seat.

"Mamè, what are you doing here? You should be headed for the throne room."

Queen Rekani smiled. I shrank at the knowing in her eyes. Skies. Why did it feel like she was always thirty steps ahead?

"I could say the same for you, Izayi."

"I'll be there soon enough." The lie tasted like ash on my tongue.

Queen Rekani snorted, laughing into her mug.

"I carried you for what felt like ten long cycles." Her eyes flashed. "The way you nearly destroyed my knees and back... it's a wonder I could ever properly fly again." A pause. "Do you think me a fool, Izayi?" She shook her head. "Just keep whatever it is you're up to quiet." She looked at me. "You better think of a good excuse to appease your payè. I can't bail you out of this one. Not this time."

My jaw hung. How did she...

"Mamè, I?—"

She waved a hand, dismissing me.

"Your payè wants something, Yakobba."

Her eyes glittered with mischief. The same kind that always had me pissing off Ishaèli and getting into trouble with the king. Skies. What was she up to?

"He wants it bad." She paused, sipping her tea, before continuing. "You're the only one I know who can retrieve it."

"Mamè..." I drawled.

What could the king possibly want that he couldn't get for himself? That not even Ishaèli could get for him?

"You're a... pirate. No?"

I frowned. "Yes..."

"Good. Your skills are needed." Her eyes flickered to me above the rim of her mug. "Your payè wants the stone."

My blood ran cold. There was only one stone in the entire realm of Zurethe a king could want so badly.

"Which stone?"

"The Atlanthyst Stone. And it's located in the Pearl Palace."

Bollocks! I knew it. I hissed, throwing my head back as I wrang my fingers through my hair.
