Turning my attention from the ugly sight, I watch Mel’s troubled face.
“Miko’s my half-brother. We grew up together—though we never got along. I was… a violent person back then. So when we fought, it could get pretty ugly.”
I sigh, thinking of all the pain I caused, all the suffering and death. I never stopped to think of why I was doing what I was doing back then. “My brother Kostya’s the one who showed me a better way. That I didn’t have to be a heartless killer like our father expected us to be.” I shake my head. “I didn’t want to be that.”
“You… killed your actual blood-related brother to protect me?”
The horror in her voice cuts me as surely as a knife. Does that make me a monster? Probably. But I’d still make the same choice every time.
“Blyat,” Denka hisses as he follows Lev through my front door.
They quickly close it behind them as they study the body coloring my wood floors red.
“What the hell happened?” Lev asks, his eyes roaming across the scene, taking in my shattered coffee table, and Mel’s hands on my bloody side.
Avoiding his question, I turn my eyes to Mel. “You should go take care of Gabby. Keep her in the room while we can clean this mess up.”
“But you’re bleeding?—”
“Mel. I can handle myself.”
She bites her lip, her chin dipping in an uncharacteristic display of submission, then she nods, turning toward the hallway. Closing my eyes and swallowing hard to regain control of my emotions, I take a beat, then turn my attention to my men.
“Let’s get Miko in the car and get rid of the evidence. Then, Denka, I want you to take Mel and Gabby somewhere Vinny’s men can’t find you. Keep her there until I give you the all-clear.”
Denka gives a curt nod.
“Lev, you and I are going to Boston?—”
“Gleb, you can’t,” Mel objects again, turning just shy of the guest room door.
“It’s not up for discussion,” I state. “Your plan is out of the question. I’m not letting you anywhere near Vinny. And clearly, that crazy fucking Irishman needs to be dealt with.” I gesture to Miko in case there’s any question about what I mean.
I can see the hurt that flashes across Mel’s face at my curt tone. And I know—I know—I told her I would do better. But just the thought of her trying to talk to Vinny turns my blood cold.
He’s unhinged. A loose cannon.
And if he was willing to lay his hands on her once, I know he’ll do it again.
Tears shimmering in her eyes, Mel doesn’t try to argue again. Instead, she turns her back to me and slips quietly inside her bedroom.
I can hear her soothing whispers as she encourages Gabby to come out from under the bed. And my heart twists to think about how scared her little girl must have been.
Sighing heavily, I press my fingers to my temples and let my eyes sink closed as I try to ease the pressure there.
“You’re right, boss,” Denka says, and I drop my hands as I look at him. “It’s time to deal with him.” He jerks his chin toward Miko. “This is only going to get worse.”
He’s right.
Men like Vinny only know how to manage conflict one way.
Which is why I need to handle this without Mel.
Because it’s as sure as the sun brings the day… If she goes back to Vincent Kelly, he’ll kill her.