The undercurrent of tension that’s lingered between us for so long slowly dissipates as Gleb and I share our meal. The conversation flows more easily as my nerves settle and his stress seems to ease.
By the time we finish eating and bring the dishes to the sink, the chemistry between us feels natural. Gleb washes the dishes as I pack the remaining food into the fridge. After I’m done, I linger in the kitchen, watching him clean the last of the pans I used. And as he dries his hands, I gather the nerve to make my next move.
“I’ve been thinking,” I say hesitantly.
“Oh?” Gleb turns to give me his full attention, but his hooded gaze tells me he expects some kind of push-back from me.
“Yeah. I just thought, since we’ll be spending a good amount of time together, we don’t have to make it painful. Like tonight at dinner—that was nice, wasn’t it?”
“Very nice,” he agrees, his tone measured.
“Well, what if we tried doing other things that, you know, normal people might do when they spend time together?” Do I sound as nervous as I feel? Because my stomach won’t stop fluttering.
“What did you have in mind?” The suspicion in his eyes shifts toward curiosity—that same curiosity I see in Gabby’s eyes all the time.
“Well, you have a rather impressive TV. What if we watched a movie?”
Gleb nods. “That sounds nice. I don’t know that I’ve actually sat down to watch a full movie before.”
“Ever?” I ask, stunned. It’s been a long time since I have, but never? I can’t imagine anyone growing up in America without having watched a movie.
“Well, I went to a theater with my brother Kostya once. I didn’t like sitting in the dark with a room full of strangers. It felt like I was asking to get jumped.”
“But you have one of the biggest TVs I’ve ever seen. You seriously don’t watch movies on this thing?” Exasperation drips from my tone.
Gleb shakes his head no. “I don’t really have the time.”
“Well then, we’re fixing that tonight.”
Another low chuckle issues from deep in his chest, and it might just be one of my favorite sounds in the world—right up there with Gabby’s giggle.
We sit on the one couch facing the living room TV, and I pull up the available movies. I’ve never heard of most of them. But when my eyes land on one from my childhood—a movie I probably watched fifty times with my mom—I can’t help but stop on The Princess Bride.
“What about this?” I suggest, suddenly nervous that he won’t want to watch a romantic movie with me. “It’s kind of lovey-dovey, but it’s funny—at least, I thought it was when I was younger.”
“Sure,” he agrees. “You liked it as a kid?”
I smile bashfully. “Yeah.”
“Then it sounds perfect.”
Relief floods me, and I try not to read too far into his comment as I select the movie. “Mind if I turn off the lights? I realize you just said you didn’t like sitting in the dark, but at least I’m not a complete stranger.”
Another low, enticing chuckle. “I think I can handle it.”
Hopping up from the couch, I quickly flick the light switch, plunging us into darkness. Then, I rush back to the couch to sit before the movie starts. I land on the cushions with more speed than I had anticipated, which makes my aim a little off, and I end up closer to Gleb than I had intended.
Our thighs brush, and our shoulders kiss, making my heart stop. Gleb doesn’t shift away from me, and the tension between us ignites. I scarcely dare to breathe as I shift slowly, trying to make myself comfortable without disrupting our delicate balance.
I lean back and find that Gleb’s arm is stretched across the top of the couch behind me. He doesn’t move it down to my shoulders, but in this position, it almost feels like he’s snuggling me.
My pulse breaks into a full-on sprint at the thought. And I’m grateful for the theme music of an old-school video game that issues from the massive TV. The sound just might drown out my heart’s desperate beat.
A grandfather walks onto the screen, entering his grandson’s room. But I can’t pay attention to what they say with Gleb’s masculine scent surrounding me. The heat radiating from his body enfolds me like a comforting blanket. At the same time, his proximity leaves my mouth dry and my palms on the verge of sweaty.
We’re just watching a movie together, but the energy crackling between us is so potent, I quickly lose track of the plot—though I know the story well. The sexual tension radiating through my body leaves me humming like a piano wire, so tight I might just snap.
I dare to glance toward Gleb, and his angular features are so strikingly handsome in the intimate lighting, it steals my breath away. He looks intense enough to be sculpted from marble, the planes of his face catching the room’s soft glow.